Chapter Thirty-Five

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I didn't stop running until I saw the ivy green paint, indicating my Gran's house was closing in. My feet ached and my arches winced at the steep incline. I didn't care. Daniel was a kill -- The killer. I couldn't live with that and not do anything. I was beyond agitated. I didn't know what to do with this information. Thankfully, the second my feet hit the hardwood floors, my phone rang.

It was Erik. I answered halfway through the first ring.

"Hello?" My voice clearly annoyed. It was misconstrued. I wasn't upset with Erik.

"Are you okay? Daniel seemed a little off." He did his best to sound polite.

"Can you pick me up? I just got home. I need to talk to The Coven, do you think you could take me?" It wasn't fair: bringing Erik into this mess, but I trusted him. I knew he would protect me. I knew he wouldn't judge me. I knew he would understand. Also, he wouldn't ask too many questions if I asked him to come to get me. He realized the urgency in my short, very carefully picked words.

"Yes, I'm down the street actually." I respected him enough not to ask my own questions.

"Okay, I'll be outside at the edge of the driveway." I was babbling at this point. We said goodbye and I tucked my phone in my pocket, rushing upstairs only to grab the journal Gran have given me. It might come in handy. At the very least, it couldn't hurt. Then, I sprinted back out the door. If anyone was home I couldn't tell.

I waited a total of twenty-six seconds at the driveway before I saw Erik's car emerge from the corner. He was barreling down the street like a madman. I guess that was probably my fault: I hadn't given him any real explanation. Once inside, I told him: fully explained everything Daniel had said. I didn't even leave out the part where I had left him in the woods.

When I was done I winced, waiting for him to say, "I told you so." Except, he didn't. Eventually, I looked up at him. His face was drawn in a reserved expression. Erik was a mystery. In a moment I thought he would enjoy far too much -- he was proving me wrong. He didn't seem the tad bit excited. In fact, he was extremely passive. I envied him for that.

I was completely freaking out.

My own facial expression was all over the place. I couldn't control any of it. I wished I could put this placid mask on, but it wasn't in my nature. I was an emotional being and I intended to always show that. I might be an easy book to easy, but lots of people enjoyed reading.

"What's the game plan?" Was all he said.

"I need to talk to The Coven," I told him with a shrug. It was the most nonchalant I had been in weeks. He didn't question me, simply kept driving.

"Do you know where they are at?" He asked after a couple of minutes of driving. I text Ivelyn, asking her if we could all meet up someplace. Ironically, they were all at Ivelyn's. I relayed this to Erik and he nodded, then took a left on Warren Street. I stayed quiet, trying to gauge how I was truly feeling. I couldn't decide. Especially, in that short car ride to Ivelyn's.

Her house stood as monumental as the last time I saw it. Even in the daylight, it looked as if a Kennedy could have lived there. There were tall pillars, white paint, and hedges that had been meticulously trimmed. She lived like a princess, which made sense. Ivelyn always walked as if a crown weighed heavily on her head.

Erik parked in the massive driveway. Then, we got out of the car and marched to the front door. I was prepared to knock, but Erik pushed open the door. When I raised an eyebrow he gave me a sheepish look. The relationship the two had was beyond weird.

"Did the two of you date or something?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I knew Ivelyn and Daniel had briefly been together their freshman year. After that, the two of them decided not to date: anyone. Had Erik and Ivelyn had a thing before that?

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