Chapter Thirty-Three

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When I woke up, there was something off. It was like deja vu, but more sinister. I froze as my stomach flipped. Something was wrong -- deeply wrong. Slowly, I got up, reaching for my phone that was on my nightstand. I had several missed calls from Addie, Erik, Ivelyn, and Daniel. I tried to flip through the notifications for an answer.

There was another murder.

I raced downstairs, passing Gran and Mom in the hallway. I think they called after me, asking what I was doing. It didn't stop me, I kept running until I got to the TV in the living room. I flipped to the News channel. To my astonishment and horror, they were all right. There was another murder in Salem.

Selene Connors. Dead.

"What's wrong, Cornelia?" Gran reached for me, Mom on her heels. Before I could respond, they saw what was on the news.

"Another tragedy hits Salem, last night Selene Connors, age twenty, was murdered late last night as she was walking home from a friends house. Police have confirmed this has been connected to the previous murder of High School student, Rachel Radley, and the two attacks on two previous girls a couple months ago. Especially, because it was confirmed that Selene Conners, the second victim, was drained of blood. Her body had several bite marks throughout her body. Police are on high alert for the suspect and any information is greatly appreciative. They are asking a curfew for everyone under the ages of eighteen and younger due to these unfortunate deaths. It appears that the killer is targetting young females that are out at night. Please, everyone, be safe out there and watch out for one another. Back to you, Mike."

I turned the volume down. Why didn't I have a vision? Suddenly, the urge to vomit was too much. I ran to the bathroom downstairs, barely making it. There was the guilt, all over again. I was losing and to someone who drank blood. There was a monster that needed to be stopped, but I wasn't strong enough. The worst part was I knew everyone was going to blame Daniel.

"Cornelia, are you okay?" It was my mom. She was using her worried tone, the voice she rarely used. I wiped my mouth, putting my toothbrush back in its spot.

"I don't know," I muttered. My reflection in the mirror portrayed utter defeat.

"What?" She sounded panicked. I sighed, pushed open the door.

"I'm just in shock: another murder." She couldn't know why I felt the way I did. We were getting closer, but it was too soon to launch into that story. I made eye contact with Gran from across the room. She looked worse than I did. My mom opened her mouth to say something, but there was a knock at the door that interrupted us.

"Corn, I think it's for you." Gran hadn't moved an inch. She couldn't possibly know who it was, but it was the same way I knew things. Mom looked confused, but I ignored her questioning face. Slowly, I moved toward the door. I didn't need to have a vision to tell me who it was.

It was Addie, Erik towering behind her. She wore a long layered black skirt with a black lace long sleeve, a purple tank top underneath. On her neck, was a thick black velvet choker. Usually, I wouldn't think anything of it, but then I put it together. She was wearing such a thick choker because all the girls were bitten.

"You saw the news." It wasn't a question. "It happened again." Suddenly, I was very aware that my family was behind me. Also, I was still wearing my pj's, which consisted of a thin tank top and cotton shorts.

"Yeah, um why don't you guys come in." Addie hopped forward while Erik shuffled awkwardly inside. "Mom, you've met Addie right?" I could tell by the way my mom was looking Addie up and down she hadn't.

"I don't think I've had the pleasure. I am Dorothy." My mom might have changed a lot these past couple weeks, but she would never get over certain reactions.

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