(35) Christmas talking...

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It is currently December 29, 2018 and I can't stop thinking of what has been happening this past days.

It started at around December 22 and until December 27 we wouldn't stop messaging each other.
Probably I am thinking of it too much, I'm much certain I am but either was I'll say it with the same excitement as to what I felt and thought...

I was in a beach from the area where I am from... I am sure you might know where I was... I think...

In the hotel I was in there was a really bad internet that could only be catched from the restaurant of the hotel. The part of the beach we were in was a town near the actual city of the popular beach so, as you can imagine there was not many WiFi connections around the area... neither the less I still was able to talk with you every once in a while...

We probably talked as often as we would if I HAD indeed good internet but I guess it just felt special in away...

We kept talking about random things and even told each other happy Christmas... or well... I told you first... I guess I do sound like an obsessed person don't I?

But this time it was different... I mean aside from my "Merry Christmas" every conversation was as if we were best friends or... just really good friends... it felt nice, calm. It was this feeling of peace, I didn't feel as nervous anymore... I simply felt this happy and non stressful moment of talking to a friend and knowing you can do it freely... or something like that.

Lately I've been thinking of the past. What I mean by this is all the chances I've had to maybe try to make things into more but I guess I am truly too nervous and shy to do so...? Or maybe I just feel like... if I told you more than once then you'll feel like I'm obsessive and maybe even stalker like. I know I repeat this too much... like WAY TOO MUCH, and I won't deny anything nor say excuses with (but) I'll just leave it as that. I'll just leave in the simplicity of "I hope you don't think of me as someone... stalker-ish...? Is that a word?".

It's simple but hard to express, explain... I can kind of relate it to a beautiful garden of flowers and roses and there's this certain flower you like the most but that if you get too close the flowers around (that have spikes) can hurt you. So all you can do is admire it from afar.

Now that I read that I think it's not as comparable since it sort of sounds creepy, JAJAJ I'm sorry I seriously have no idea how to explain it otherwise or any wise. So as in most movies I'll just stop talking and leave before I make things worse...

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