Story 19

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Many people think ouija boards are harmless toys that a group of teens might play with when their 
all hanging out on a Saturday night. Think going into a graveyard with a ouija board is a fun idea? 
After all what could possibly happen with a bunch of dead people. Well you better think again. 
Many cases we go on that end up being demonic in origin stem from ouija board play. The following
true story comes from Wallingford, CT. 
We we're called out by a relativly new paranormal group who had stepped into a nightmare. There 
we're two reasons for the call. One was due to the fact that a young child was involved and they had 
heard about my work with children and the paranormal and the other was that they just weren't 
experienced enough to handle what was going on. We arrived on a cold Saturday night in January. 
I met with the other groups founder who we will call John. He filled me in on the activity they had 
experienced during their initial investigation and to be honest with you at the time I felt he had to be 
making up at least some of the story.He claims there we're cabinet doors opening and closing, voices, 
cold spots, knocking noises, footsteps and just about everything else one could experience during a 
paranormal investigation. It was to much to believe and upon meeting the young family involved in 
the middle of this whole thing it left me with a feeling we we're being set up. I almost packed everything 
up and left. This would have been one of the biggest mistakes I could have made in all my years 
investigating the paranormal.  What I was about to experience probably happens in  less than 1% of the 
cases an investigator goes out on. 

I met the family of three and the guys brother and girlfriend. The apartment renters names we're Joe, his 
girlfriend Gail and their baby Jamie. Joe's brother and girlfriend accompanied them for the evening. They 
all looked like they had just stepped out of the Addams Family house which made me very suspicious 
immediately. There is a baby involved in this so we had to be very careful in how we conducted our 
investigation. I asked them why they brought the baby and they told me they couldn't find a sitter. I would 
have preferred the child wasn't there, but I couldn't change that. The baby's father came up to me and asked 
me if it would be possible for an investigator to be with them at all times. I asked him why and he told me he 
feared for thier lives. I took one look at his face and I believed him. He looked like someone who probably 
hadn't slept in weeks and he was sweating like he had just run a marathon. He told me a story of a demonic 
looking being that was terrorizing his whole family and would follow them wherever they went. He confirmed 
all the things that John had told me when I first arrived there. I really started to feel sorry for this family, but 
just couldn't shake the creepy feeling their apparence gave me. The reason for my feelings will 
become apparent later. 

The investigation started just like any other. We conducted interviews, set up night vision cameras everywhere 
along with wireless audio devices all hooked up to our DVR. We have a number of different EMF meters which 
measure magnetic energy, temperature measuring devices and a host of hand held video cameras and 35mm 
cameras etc. What I noticed immediately was the extremely high readings we we're getting on the emf gauges. 
Every room had these readings which is extremely unusual. I thought for sure this was a power company problem. 
Anyone exposed to EMF readings like this over a long period of time can experience hullucinations and health 
problems of all kinds. I thought to myself this must be why they are experiencing such bizarre happenings. They 
all must be hallucinatiing, but this turned out to be wishful thinking. The next thing we noticed was crazy temperature 
changes. In the past whenever we have experienced temperature drops where you can see your breath we know things 
are going to take an ugly turn. I am sensitive to spirit activity and can usually tell you when there is spiritual activity in 
the room. I didn't get this feeling when I walked through the door and with what they had told me about the activity 
that occured here I did expect to at least feel something, but I didn't. And so the investigation began.

The family and friends all stayed pretty much in the living room, but would occasionally come into the kitchen where 
we had our equipment set up.  I still couldn't get over how strange they all looked. I felt like I was in some gothic movie. 
The investigator from the other group John came up to me and again stated how fearful the family was to be there. 
They again requested that an investigator stay with them at all times. They seemed to be genuinly scared and to be 
honest so was the other paranormal group which didn't exactly give me a warm fuzzy feeling. At least I brought along 
some of my group all of whom have experience in dealing with just about every situation you could imagine. Most of 
the investigators stayed outside due to the size of the apartment. We went around in groups of two. I asked the couple who 
lives there where they we're experiencing the activity and they told me in just about all of the rooms. I asked them if there 
was a room that they hadn't heard anything in and they told me the nursery had been quite right along. My feeling is that 
spirits will hide in the same place all the time. They do not want us to know where they are so you usually will not have 
any paranormal experiences in these areas. However if you are sensitive to paranormal activity and you start poking
around this will more times then not bring out the worst in them if they are there. With all of this in mind I headed right 
up to the nursery. Immediately upon entering the nursery I felt a very strong presense which made me sick to my stomach. 
I heard a male voice whisper and what sounded like empty boxes being moved around in the closet. As I moved closer to 
the closet the sound got louder. I continued to move closer to the open closet door. I heard all of this movement going on, 
but couldn't see anything moving in the closet. The sound started to go from the closet to the attic and continued on for a 
few minutes. While all this was going on one of the investigators from the other group came into the room heard the noise 
and immediately left. I guess this was to be expected as they were a new group. It takes a while to build up a thick skin to 
paranormal actvity. One thing I did notice was that when he spoke I saw his breath. With all that was going on I didn't even 
realize the temperature had dropped down that low.  I stood my ground until the noise stopped. When it stopped the room  
became much lighter feeling and warmed up. At this point I felt we we're dealing with a very negative spirit at the very 
least. Upon listening to the audio from this room we heard a latin phrase stated three times. It sounded like it said "Et 
Mecium". We were unable to determine what this meant, but it sounded latin. We also heard a door open and close a few 
times and footsteps even though there wasn't anyone in the room. There was one point where the baby started to cry on 
the first floor and you could hear this entity saying nasty things up in the nursery as well as what sounded like other voices 
whispering. When I originally experienced the activity in the nursery I also heard it go up into the attic. I decided to place a 
video camera up in the attic and let it run for about an hour. Upon veiwing the footage we saw the bottom half of a human 
looking figure come up out of the floor take a few steps and then disappear right over the nursery. I am sensitive to 
paranormal activity so I was not only dealing with all this activity I was feeling this incredible crushing presense that made 
it obvious that I was not wanted there. Now we are heading downstairs.

Upon heading downstairs I saw the couple who was renting the apartment along with thier baby and his brother and 
girlfriend. Again I took another look at their strange appearence and knew in my heart they had something to do with 
what is going on here. Joe who all the activity seemed to revolvearound came up to me and again requested that an 
investigator stay with him and his family at all times because he was worried about being attacked. He told me the 
entity that was in the apartment had physically attacked him before by shoving him down the stairs and throwing 
things at him. He alsoasked me if we would provoke this thing and I told him no. I asked him why would you want 
us to provoke it when your scared to death about this thing attacking you. He didn't have an answer for this which 
obviously made me very suspicious about his intentions. I met with all investigators outside and told them I did not 
want anyone provoking while in the house. I felt at this point we could be dealing with a demonic entity and did not 
want to place anyone in danger. When there's a demon involved everyones in danger. I went back into the home and 
began asking questions of this evil spirit to see if we could get some kind of response either audibly or on our recording 
equipment which would then be called EVP'S or electronic voice phenomenom. Upon beginning the evp session we 
immediately felt the temperature begin to drop. You could feel a pressure drop in the room as well. We recorded temps 
in the forties which had dropped from our baseline temp of 68 degrees. We also heard footsteps on the second floor. 
We didn't hear any audible responses to our questions however when we listened to our wireless audio we got a number 
of responses to our questions.. One of the strangest things we witnessed after reviewing our video footage the following 
day was that when Joe was looking away from us he had black rings around his eyes. As he turned toward us to talk the 
dark rings would disappear. We not only have this on video we have stills showing these dark circles. With all that went 
on that night I wasn't going to rule out possession. As we continued to review the video footage we we're witnessing Joe 
reacting to some orbs that we're flying around the room. At one point he actually ducked out of the way. Joe's cat also 
reacted to a couple of the orbs. We saw the cat's ears go back as it snarled at seemingly nothing a few times. Joe told 
me that a psychic told him he had a vortex in his living room. I believe that most psychics are frauds,but in this case we 
did see orbs swirling around the supposed vortex area in the living room. After an incredible evening of paranormal 
happenings we told the family we would review the evidence and get back to them hopefully with some answers. 

Over the next few days we went over all of the audio and video and I was convinced that we we're dealing with a 
demonic entity. I've experienced the power of the demonic before and it is usually unmistakable and anything can 
happen to anyone involved. It doesn't matter where you live or how far you travel when you have an attachment by 
a demon you can't hide. Having a strong religious faith is possibly your only hope. I called famed psychic Lorraine 
Warren who just happens to live one town over from me. She's always willing to help in situations like this and is a 
good connection to the church. We arranged to have a blessing done for the family and the home that was until I 
recieved a strange call from Joe. He told me a story that made this whole thing even more incredible. If I wasn't 
involved in this case myself  I would have never believed it. He told me that he and his girlfriend along with his brother 
and his girlfriend we're all involved in a demonic worship group. They had made contact with a demonic force through 
a ouija board and that it was terrorizing them and would follow them everywhere they went. He told me his girlfriend 
was still trying to make contact with the demon and that he now feared for his life and his baby's. His brother and his 
girlfriend no longer wanted to be involved, but his wife was such a controlling force that even they feared her. I knew 
all along that something more then the paranormal was going on with this case. I had previously asked him about his 
religious faith and he lied to me. The wheels we're already in motion to have the apartment blessed by a priest which 
Lorraine had set up. However now knowing what they were all about and the fact that they lied to us I wasn't going to 
endanger anyone in my group and Lorraine felt the same way.  I have to admit walking away from this one was tough 
with a baby being involved, but sometimes you just have to walk away and hope the client can find someone else who 
can help them. I never heard from them again. We normally would never discuss a case without prior permission from 
the people involved. However we we're lied to by the client's and I felt this story would  help to show the public not to 
play games with the demon world. The names involved we're changed.

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