Story 14

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Story 14


(someone else's POV)

My story begins around 1987. I was a somewhat normal 11 year old boy up until that point. My parents were separated and it was a rough time for us. We lived in a tall apartment building on the 19th floor. I was interested in things like dungeons and dragons but my mom never bought me that kind of stuff. I did borrow a book from a kid at school about the monsters in dungeons and dragons a few weeks before my experience began.

The night was a little different than most because my mom let me sleep on the couch in the living room that night. It must have been a weekend. I think I may have had a nightmare but I awoke in the middle of the night. Off in my mothers room I heard her boyfriends watch alarm start beeping. I heard him get up to turn it off, my mom muttered something and he replied. I didn't think anything of it. Sometimes the alarm would go on, I don't know if he knew how to set it right. A moment later our VCR made the noise like when the tape started to play. I wasn't afraid at that point but was wondering what was going on. I sat up and began to look around the room. It was dark but not very dark that night. I didn't see anything so I laid back down to sleep. Looking up from this position I saw the most terrifying thing I had ever seen. It was sitting atop a candlestick decoration on the wall above me. My guess is it was 3-4 feet tall and 1 foot wide with a normal shaped body of a person. It's body was dark black and the eyes were white light.

I was terrified when I saw this and tried to get up to run away but I was frozen. After struggling to move I tried to call out but what came out were strange tongues (mumbo jumbo). The demon sat there amused and laughed at me. I could see it had a mouth when it laughed, but couldn't see much for features. Just a deep dark black. Frightened and unable to do anything I did the only thing I could. I closed my eyes and didn't open them again until morning.

I told my mom and her boyfriend what happened but they didn't believe me. My mom thought it was because of that book and told me I needed to start going to church. So we started going to church but it did little to help me. I was afraid from then on.

About a week later it came to me again. I awoke one night and felt the same dreadful feeling as before. I felt it's presence and my ears would tense like when you yawn. This time I wasn't about to open my eyes. I just lied still hoping it would go away. After a while it must have been angered by my attempt to play dead, it struck the side of the wooden bunk bed hard and yelled in a strange tongue. I immediately burst out of the top bunk and ran out of the room. I made it to the hallway but suddenly got very dizzy and fell down. I got back up and ran to the bathroom at the end of the hall. I flipped on the light switch and it burned out! Terrified, I ran into my moms room and asked if I could sleep in her bed.

Some time later my friend that lived in the apartment building wanted to play ouija board with me. We went the center stairway of the building. This building had 3 stairways. 2 on either end of the building that had windows, and 1 in the center of the building with no windows. It was a dark, dirty, cement stairway with metal rails. We started to play the game and within moments the railing started to vibrate. The vibration turned into pounding and was getting louder and louder, it was coming closer from below us. We looked at each other not knowing what it was. We ran out of there and back to his apartment. He swore not to play that game again and we never spoke of what happened again.

Those were the 3 main paranormal experiences I had where I was wide awake and physically things were happening. I was deeply afraid of the night after that. My younger sister would mock me and make faces at me at night, she slept in the bottom bunk in our bedroom. She would peer out at me from the bottom bunk making ugly faces and I would beg her to stop. I would have nightmares of the visitation from then on, sometimes several times a week. I would always feel my ears tense with the feeling of dread and the classic sleep paralysis. I would try to speak "in Jesus name go away" but it was difficult. As soon as I could force myself to awake it was over. My mom also started having some of those nightmares. But nothing like what happened to me.

This went on and on until I was around 20. I finally became so fed up with these terrible nightmares that I yelled out to stop, I'm sick of this! I think I was so angry that I told it to show itself and I will kill it. I seriously meant business! That was the last time I ever had the nightmare. Seriously, after ten sleepless years and who knows how many vivid nightmares I was finally free.

I don't know where it came from or why it chose me. My mom thought it was from before when we lived in Hawaii and my dad was in the air force. My mom heard my 2 year old sister talking to something. It sounded like it was trying to tell her it was her mom. She said the dog would walk around barking at nothing outside at night. She thought Hawaii was a creepy place because of the weird beliefs of the natives. We had a big piece of coral as a souvenir that we took with us. My mom thought it might have been cursed. She put it in a box and shipped it back to Hawaii. Where did you send it to I asked? She said she just put Hawaii on the box and sent it.

My mothers grandmother used to live with them when she was a child and she did some sort of witchcraft. She would put a glass of water in front of a picture of her husband who was dead and talked to him. They thought her room was haunted and saw ghosts in there. I don't know what she practiced, she could have been either German or Swedish. I don't want to ask my mom which side of the family her grandma was on to try and narrow down what practice it might have been.

My grandmother on my fathers side was Lakota Sioux Indian. When she was a young girl she used to have dreams about things happening to people. She would tell the person she dreamed about and usually something bad would happen to them. People thought she was a witch because of that.

I don't know if it was a dungeons and dragons book, a cursed coral from Hawaii, or spirits around my Great grandmother that caused my haunting. All I know is I defeated it and I will never let it bother anyone else I know ever! Hopefully my story will help anyone having these nightmarish visitations stop. I know it's real, but I don't understand why. It could be a blessing or a curse depending on how you feel about it.


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