Story 9

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An Encounter with the Demonic

I am sensitive on this issue. Usually I speak about this to no one. But since you are Catholics and I am sure you believe in demonic forces, I thought I'd take a risk and share it with you, if you are interested. I know from what I saw on TV that the Catholic Church needs much proof of demonic presence to actually accept that there are demons involved, so I don't know how you will react to my story. But here it is.

This is totally true, and I would swear that on a stack of Holy Bibles.

This is the true story of what happened to me in July 1995 when I was visited by demonic forces and it changed my life around. There's really no reason that I would make any of this up. I'm a very level headed person and I know that what I saw was real.

The year was 1994. I was age 14. I was going through a rough time in my life during the spring of that year. I'd found myself lying in my bed at the hospital that I was being treated at for my severe depression and my problem with anger. Out of the blue, a thought came into my mind that maybe I had been dealing with demonic forces. The thought seemed to come out of no where and I told my mother about it and she was the only one that didn't believe I was trying to blame my problems on something else.

My mother took me to visit the pastor of the church we attended which was a local Lutheran church. However, I still seemed to have the feeling that I was taunted by demons. I never knew why I felt this way but I assumed that it was because I had a friend who was into Satanism and he'd let me hold his Satanic bible so I thought maybe somehow it had something to do with him, but I was never really sure.

I continued to have problems and I hit my lowest point the previous winter and I was out of school for three months. It was March of 1995 and I finally got back into school, but now I was at a school that had a program that could better deal with students who had depression and other emotional problems. There, I met Nick. I had been very vulnerable at this point in my life because I'd just begun to get over my depression and I was very welcoming to the idea of letting new people enter into my life.

My first impression of Nick was that he was not a Satanist, but a trouble-maker and someone I should steer clear of but I was trying to come into this new relationship with an open mind and trying to live by the rule that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. So that April, Nick and I got together.

I'd continued to have the feelings at times that there were demons around me. One night it seemed especially bad. I told Nick that I felt as if there were demons around me, troubling me. This is what started the unbelievable events that you think you'd never experience and that you only see on TV.

I was sitting in the living room with my mother and Nick. Nick seemed to have a very evil look in his eyes. I didn't know what exactly was going on but I felt better and I didn't feel this evil presence bothering me. However, it was a very strange feeling. It was as if someone was watching us. All of a sudden, his little dog ran to our sliding-glass door and looked outside on our deck and was obviously seeing something that couldn't be seen by my mother and me. I could have dismissed this as a hoax until the dog started barking and viciously growling at whatever was out there. I must admit that I was skeptical at first. Eventually the dog stopped growling and barking at whatever he saw and the night carried on smoothly.

Later, I asked what the heck had happened and Nick explained that since the demons were bothering me that while he was outside walking, he told them to go into him instead. It all was very weird and scary to me and I was glad it was over.

The next day seemed to go by fine, until the evening when it was just about dark outside. Nick was in the family room and I was in the bathroom and I felt the same evil presence taunting me again. I can remember looking in the mirror and just saying quietly, almost under my breath, "Get the f*** away from me!" and then I left the bathroom and I went upstairs to where my mother was.

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