I'll Kill Them

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Alex woke up in a room that wasn't as dark as the one she was previously in and her friends wasn't in this one but someone else was but she couldn't quite see who. That was until they shifted and Alex assumed they woke up. When they shifted, she noticed they were a girl, she looked younger than her, 14 maybe Alex couldn't be sure, then their hair fell out of the way of their face and Alex instantly knew who she was. She was her little sister Lily, Alex left her in the camps, she didn't want to but since Alex was a purple, the government, well the doctors at the camp they were in, wanted to experiment on her and they did but to make sure she did as she was told they threatened Lily and her twin brother Oliver, so to keep them safe she made an grand escape and she didn't know that she would end up with The League. 

Lily looked exactly the same as the day Alex left, her brown hair was longer now and she had a few cuts and bruises here and there but other than that she was still her little sister and no matter what she did in the past Alex still loved her and no matter what happens she will let no further harm come to her and that's a promise she intends to keep. 

"Lily, can you hear me?" Alex whispered-shouted over to her but got no respond. Was she dead? No she couldn't be, she didn't want to believe that. "Lily, it's me, it's Alex," she said again and this time the small girl moved. "Alex, what are you doing here?" she asked in reply. "To be honest I don't really know but I could ask you the same question," she said. "After you left us, Oliver found a way out and we took it. Then The League found us and we had heard stories about them so we ran but this man grabbed me and I told Ollie to run and he did, into the woods never to be seen again and I've been here ever since," she said answering Alex's question better than she could answer it. "What do you mean Ollie left you?" she asked, not believing her brother, her twin brother, would leave her little sister to the hands of The League. How much had the camps changed him? "How long ago was this?" she asked. "2 years ago," Lily replied. So Ollie left her 12 year old later sister to be taken by The League. Alex thought. "Okay first: I told him to leave and second: he promised he's come back, he just hasn't yet," Lily said.

Then Alex heard the door click as it unlocked and opened to reveal Clancy Grey. What the hell was he doing here? "What are you doing here Clancy? I thought you said you wanted to get rid of The League," she asked as Clancy moved to stand in front of the cage she was locked in. "Well I actually said I wanted to get take down the government and I'm here because I run The League and I want to train you and make you the ultimate weapon and we can take down the government together," he said in his over the top power voice. "And why would I ever help you, after all you've done?" Alex asked him. "Well Alex if you don't I'll kill your sister here like I killed your dad and we wouldn't want that now would we," he said. "If you hurt her, I will kill you," she threatened. "Alex, you are aware you're locked in a cage right?" he asked in a stupid patronising voice. "Try me" she said as her eyes glowed purple and she held Clancy metres above the ground. "Let me say that again, if you hurt Lily I will not hesitate to kill you Clancy," Alex said as she accidently choking him Darth Vader style and after she realised she immediately let him down with a thud as he hit the ground hard. "Try anything like that again and I won't just kill your sister but your little friends over in room A and I wouldn't do anything other than what your told and I might decide to hurt your friends understood," Clancy said standing up from where Alex let him down. "UNDERSTOOD!" he yelled when she didn't reply and she just nodded this time as she wasn't about to let him hurt her sister or her friends. "Good, now behave while I go check on your friends," Clancy said as he left the room and the Alex heard the door click as it locked.

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