|19| Bloodtype

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Louis' POV:

After a few hours of flying in our private jet, we finally made it to San Jose and drove south from there in our private van, somehow managing to avoid most all fans. We met inside an abandon building where we were introduced to a security team that would lead us to the mental hospital where Ms. Manon was staying.

We all stood side by side, shoulder to shoulder as Paul introduced us to the two well dressed men in front of us. "Alright, this is Dectective Luther" The detective shook our hands and then walked back beside Paul. "And his partner Detective Erwin." The other officer shook our hands.

Harry looked at the man once and giggled.

"What?" I looked at Harry in confusion.

Harry looked down at his feet to control himself from laughing anymore. "Nothing." He was still giggling under his breath. "Just his eyebrows..."

"Jesus Christ..."

"For real, Haz?"

"God, Harry..."

"I'm sorry..."

"Anyway..." Detective Luther rolled his eyes. He has no idea how bad it really is to live with this... "Mr. Higgins faxed us over the medical records that Emily found and they're very much differnent from the ones that were given to the Peaceful Days Mental Institution at the time of Ms. Manon's enrollment. We'll have to meet with her and ask her if she knows anything about this before moving on to the next step of investigation."

Emily opened her mouth to speak but Paul already had something to say. "What about Stephan trying to kill her? Last we heard he was on his way to Peaceful Days. Can Ms. Manon be moved out of there?"

"That's what we're going to do, we're going to head down there after we leave here and turn in these papers to release her to our custody." Detective Erwin spoke as he showed us the release forms. "As soon as re determine he's not at the hospital, you're welcome to follow us."

We left in our own van and followed their squad car to the hospital which was only a few blocks away from our meeting place. The two detectives had a security guard search around the perimeter for Stephan's truck but he told us the coast was clear.

The two detectives lead us inside the hospital and marched up to the front desk to talk to the two nurses about releasing Emily's mom. Katie looked up at me and smiled nervously. I wrapped an arm around her and we leaned against the counter and watched everyone work around us. I think we were all a bit on edge at the moment. This was a race against Stephan to see who would get here first and somehow we appear to be winning.

Paul's phone buzzed and he looked down at it. I felt Katie tensing up underneath my arm. I think we all were expecting bad news.

"Bad news guys, Stephan's car was spotted around the back of the building." Paul said followed by mixed sighs and expletives from our group.

"No one thought to look at the back of the building?" Katie scoffed.

"I did look! I didn't see any vehicles with the plate you gave me!" The security guard defended himself and whined.

Detective Luther cussed under his breath and got on his police radio. "Surround the area, no one gets in or out. The hospital is going on lockdown until we've arrested Mr. Manon."

"I really hate to ask this but where's Emily?" Liam asked.

"Shit..." Paul spun in a circle looking around the area while the nurses panicked.

"Why are you guys so suprirsed everytime she goes missing, I'm sure she's trying to find her mum." I said and everyone looked at me. It's like we're repeating ourselves, I swear...

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