|13| Kisses and Crepes

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Emily's POV:

After we got in the car, Louis and I told Paul and the others what we saw. They believed us of course but at this point the police didn't seem to care. Paul immediately called them from his cell phone but they didn't seem to believe us. At least we knew he was still in town and wasn't giving up. Maybe we really should be staying home and keeping out of trouble? We literally seemed to get into trouble everytime we went out now.

We got to the hospital and we all sat down in the waiting room while we waited for the doctor to come get us. The nurses and receptionists were either starstruck or just confused as to why there was 16 of us in here taking up the entire waiting area.

"Emily Manon?" A male doctor and a nurse showed up at the door of the waiting room. I stood up and walked to him after looking bad at Niall once who gave me a reassuring smile. He walked me back to a room and the nurse quickly left us to get some medical equiptment. "I'm Doctor Hastings. I understand you have some glass imbeded in your skin?" I nodded and lifted my arm so he could see it. He held my arm gently and looked it over. "Ah, how did you get so much glass in your arm, Ms. Manon?" He put on his reading glasses and carefully looked at the pieces of glass sticking out of my arm.

"Technically I was invovled in a bar fight." I answered him, embarassed because I never get in fights or go to bars much for that matter.

"I see." The nurse came in with some pliers and he used them to gently take each piece of glass out of my arm. "What was the fight about?" Why on earth did he even care? He was just trying to make small talk to get my mind off the pain of the cuts probably.

"Some drunk guy tried to force my friend to dance with him. Her boyfriend tried protecting her but it turned into a big fight. The guy lost it and started throwing bottles and chairs and shit." The doctor looked up at me as if I was too young to be saying the word 'shit'.

"So he threw a bottle at your arm?" He asked while carefully placing each piece of glass on a napkin.

"No, I threw a drink in his face and he shoved me into the pile of glass on the floor."

"Ouch." The doctor winced and continued to pull the last pieces of glass out. It didn't hurt very much, it just felt kind of uncomfortable. Maybe that was just because I was drunk though? They say alcohol numbs pain. "Are you going to file a report to the police?"

I laughed. "Ha, no."

"Why not?"

"They don't believe anything we say."

"But they're the police? They have to...oh." He finished pulling the pieces of glass out and handed the napkin to the nurse to dispose of.

"'Oh' what?"

"I know who you are now. You're that girl on the news."

"Is that what people are calling me now? 'That girl on the news'?"

He nodded and sorted through some drawers, looking for something. "So is it true? Is there really some guy after you pretending to be your father?"

"Yes, it's true but it's not like that. My mom thought he was my father but...he's not. Our DNA doesn't match. Apparently they did a DNA test when I was young and no one looked at the results until now."

"Well you don't need any stitches, the cuts aren't deep enough but I'm going to give you this pain medication in case those wounds start hurting. They're not going to hurt right now because you're drunk but you'll feel them when you're sober again." He handed me a small bottle of medicine and I thanked him. "Um, wait before you leave. Now I don't really know what's going on with your father and everything and I realize it's really none of my business but...if you're interested I know someone who could help you."

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