|3| Do You Want To Build A Snowman?

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Niall's POV:

I was sitting on the couch watching TV with Louis and Harry when Lou got the text from Katie. They just finished talking about the weather on the news and the weather lady said the storm was coming earlier than they expected. I didn't even have to think about it, I knew I was going with Louis to help them. Lou quickly told Harry where we were going before throwing on his coat and heading out the door. We sat there in silence as Louis drove. I'd never seen him this quiet before. It's weird to think someone as loud and random as Louis Tomlinson could actually keep his mouth shut for 30 minutes. He's been like this ever since we got the text from Katie. He must have been worried. What was there to be worried about? They only broke down. We'll pick them up and have their car towed later, not a big deal?

The quietness was making me nervous so I flipped out my phone and checked for any texts from the boys. There was no signal out here. How did Katie get a text through to us?

Louis looked over at me while I checked my phone and then he looked back to the road. "Can you check the map?" Oh he does remember how to speak.

"Are we lost?"

"No, I just have no idea where we're at." Yep he's back to himself.

I looked down at my phone and turned on the GPS. Oh crap, that's right, no signal. "I can't, no signal."

"I meant like an actual paper map." He reached across my lap and point to the glovebox.

"Oh...they still make those?" I opened the glovebox and unfolded the map I found inside. I felt kind of stupid. I hadn't used one of these in years. It's sad how much we depend on technology these days. I held the map upside down on purpose to get his attention. The seriousness was killing me. "I don't see the road we're on..."

"Jesus Niall..." Louis did a double take at me holding the map and took it from my hands, flipped it right side up and handed it back to me. I laughed at him and he finally laughed with me for a moment.

I looked out the window and noticed the road and it was completely covered with snow. "Lou are we even on a road?"

"I honestly don't know." He sighed and stopped the car before taking the map from my hands. "Well we were here about 2 miles back..." He pointed to the map but I wasn't paying attention. I could make out something up ahead but with the snow was making it nearly impossible to tell what it was. It was starting to look more and more like a blizzard out here. I stared long enough to make out two dark objects on the road, or grass or snow or wherever we were.

"Wait, what's that?" I pointed ahead and Louis looked up from the map. A gust of wind came up suddenly and changed the direction the snow was falling so we could see ahead of us clearer. There was definitly two people sitting on the ground in front of us...and someone else standing above them. Louis didn't say anything, he just opened the door and got out of the car. I followed him out and we walked over to the scene. The closer we got I could see one of the people turn around and looked me straight in the eyes. It was Katie. I sighed with relief. Louis must have saw her at the same time because we both began running towards them at the same time. When we got up to them the third person that was standing with them slowly backed away from us. That seemed...really suspicious. It didn't matter though, Kaite and Emily were here and that's all I cared about. I dropped next my knees next to Emily and held her. She felt so cold. Poor girls had been out here for hours.

Louis walked right past us and up to the truck that the guy was getting in. I couldn't tell what he was saying to him but the guy was ignoring him and slammed the truck door and sped off. "Who was that guy?" Louis walked back over to us and helped Kaite to her feet. He wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm like I was with Emily.

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