|8| Escaping With Norman Reedus

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Katie's POV:

A week had passed already, and I honestly don't remember much of it. We decided not to leave the house again after that night. The next day the boys called Simon and had an arguement with him over Emily and I. They went upstairs and shut the door so we couldn't hear much of it but apparently they won because nothing really changed after that. Benny was taken to the hospital and he suffered a minor concussion but he was back to work soon. Niall and Emily's relationship hadn't changed much since that night. They hung out just as much as they did before and spent most of the week playing video games. Zayn kept to himself a lot, he was really missing Perrie. She was supposed to join us in a few weeks but I assume her management won't let her now after everything that's been happening here. Harry, Liam, and Louis were mostly sat around an empty notebook trying to write a song, but they were having the worst case of writers block possible.

Today will be the first day we leave the house. The boy's first concert since we arrived here was tonight. Paul thought we should stay at the loft but the boys refused to let us out of their sight and insisted we stay backstage with Paul and the other guards. It would be hard to hide because Emily and I kinda have our own fanbase now. People are always tweeting where we've been spotted at. Emily's dad could easily just follow a fanpage and find out where we are today. But thankfully I don't think anyone noticed we were here yet. Hopefully he wouldn't be stupid enough to try anything around thousands of people.

Paul brought us some stools to sit on so we could sit off to the side of the stage and watch the show. We wished the boys luck and they went on stage and the show begun. Paul walked away from us for a moment, he said he was going to check on something on the other side. I didn't really feel scared and I don't think Emily did either. There were other guards nearby so we weren't exactly alone.

"Hey girls." Benny walked up to us with two teenage girls behind him. They were both wearing VIP necklaces so they were probably going to sit next to us and watch the show. "These girls wanted to say hi to you."

"Hey." Emily said and we both smiled at them. They looked like they were about to start fangirling.

Yep, they started fangirling. "OH MY GOD." One of them jumped up and down and the other one hugged me tightly. "IT'S LOUIS AND NIALL'S GIRLFRIENDS! OH MY GOD!" I couldn't help but laugh. It was weird how popular we were and we hadn't actually done anything to deserve it like the boys have.

"Well I'm not actually Niall's girlfriend." Emily laughed a little, I think she was having trouble breathing with how tight this girl was hugging her.

"No you are!" She released her and looked her in the eyes seriously. "You are so perfect for him! I ship you guys so hard!"

"Me too!" The other girl said and Benny just kinda rolled his eyes and walked away a bit. They obviously weren't a threat to us.

"Hey can we get some selfies with you?" Both the girls pulled out their phones.

"Um, sure I guess." I shrugged and Emily nodded. "As long as you don't post the pictures anywhere until the concert is over. We don't really want people knowing we're here." The girls nodded in agreement.

"The lighting is really crappy over here. Is there anywhere else we can go?" One of the girls asked us.

"Um, I don't know. I think there's some better lighting on the other side where Paul is." Emily pointed across the stage.

"Wait, the lighting in the bathroom was nice, let's go there." The other girl suggested and her friend led us to the bathroom. The second I stepped in the bathroom I got a bad feeling about this. They wouldn't do anything to us though, they couldn't. They reminded me of how Emily and I were just a year ago. As soon as they closed the bathroom door everything changed. The girls were completly uninterested in us and began texting away on their phones. I looked at Emily who looked just as confused as I was.

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