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Lucy's POV
Natsu Dragneel is the schools bad boy at Fairy Tail High. He's battle scarred from fights and follows his own rules. He rides a motorcycle and wears a leather jacket almost all the time. He has a close knit group of friends he's always with and has been popular since day one.

He's the school heart throb and is well known for breaking girls hearts. He's also rumored to only keep them around until he has sex with them then he breaks up with them and never talks to them again. I've never talked to any of his ex's and I have no interest in talking to them. I'm probably the only girl he's ever ignored and has no interest in.

Natsu's POV
I'm known as the schools bad boy and I love it. It makes everyone fear me and be intimidated by me. I of course know how to fight and I look the part of the bad boy. I love the attention but also hate it. All the girls just want me for my looks or popularity. No one wants me for me.

I do date girls and give them a chance but a majority of them want sex or just want my reputation to rub off on them making them popular. I always try to show them a side of me they don't expect to see how they'd react and none like it. Mostly it's a goofy side that to them doesn't fit my character.

Much to their disappointment I don't just have sex with them. No I don't believe in fucking every girl that comes to me but thanks to them wanting revenge that's what people think. Oh well it just goes with the reputation so I don't care.

There is one girl I want to date but she's the schools good girl and we would ruin each other's reputations. A part of me doesn't care but the other part of me does. I'd love to just talk to her one day but I know because of my reputation she won't give me the time of day.

I guess I can just dream. But maybe we can meet one day. I'd really like that. I feel like I can be myself with her.

Lucy's POV
My name Lucy Heartfilia and I'm the schools good girl or as some say a goody two shoes. I'm always on time, always pay attention in class and never cause trouble. I have a few close friends but that's it. I don't like to draw attention to myself so I don't do anything interesting and I don't wear interesting clothes. I either wear normal shirts and pants and sometimes I wear a shirt and skirt combo but it's always long skirts that go down to my knees. I only wear shorts during P.E. and hate the attention it draws.

I have never dated anyone and really I don't want to because it will draw attention to me and I don't like that. I hate when people notice me and would rather be alone and basically invisible. I do long for someone to love me though. Someone to hold and kiss me and show me love.

There is someone I like though and I really hate to admit it. The schools bad boy Natsu. I admit he's hot as fire and I love his hair and dark and mysterious eyes. His reputation precedes him though so I avoid him at all costs though a part of me doesn't want to. I feel drawn to him and I hate it. I feel like he'd keep me safe and protected and I want that.

But I'd rather not risk his reputation be true that he just uses girls and just wants to have sex with them. I almost feel like it's just a horrible rumor but I can't risk the chance that it might be true.

I'm sorry Natsu. I like you but I don't think we can ever be.

The Bad Boy and Me✔️(Nalu) (Natsu x Lucy)Where stories live. Discover now