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4 years later.

"So, you're her wife and you're her wife? Wow, no wonder your stories were familiar." The interviewer had said and mused at the women in front of her and between them were their twins.

"What are they're names? Momi and Mimo?" He joked and the women laughed.

"Actually we have thought of naming them that," Mina laughed along with her wife.

"This is Kai," Momo pointed at the boy. "And this is Kia." She pointed at the girl who looked identically as Kai.

Mina smiled, "they're twins if that's not obvious enough." She said and the interviewer laughed.

"I never thought that you two are the ones who are married with each other. I mean, you two are complete opposites!"

"Yeah, that's what our families and friends told us. But here we are, still the complete opposites of each other, and we're married and is living as a happy family now."

"Yep, as a happy family, let us congratulate Myoui-Hirai Mina and Hirai-Myoui Momo along with their kids, Kai and Kia." He clapped his hands as the background sound of clapping can be heard.

"So, why are there two surnames?" He asked.

"We fought alot because of this," Momo started. "I told her I wanted her surname but she said that she wanted Myoui." Mina continued as her wife added, "so we decided to just have two surnames instead of fighting over this." Momo concluded.

"And folks, this is an example of a married couple for four years. They're completing each's sentences, how sweet." Her cooed as the two had blushed from it. It has became a normal thing for them to complete each other's sentences, since they were married.

"Aigo, not to mention, your two kids are so adorable! It's like they're your replicas! Kai looks like Mina as Kia looks like Momo, wow." The interviewer gave an amused smile and clapped, the kids enjoyed his laugh and clapped along.

"Well, it runs in the Myoui genes, they used Mina's brother's sperm for insemination and yep, here are our results." Momo grinned and kissed Mina's crown as Mina grinned back. She remembered how she also got late in Momo's laboring hours because of this show.

"So folks, that's 15 minutes. Any messages for your fans?" The interviewer asked.

Momo and Mina smiled at each other, "thank you for supporting both of us in our careers as a singer and as a CEO, I may work as a chef in the future if I want to, so wait for my new recipes!" Momo winked as Mina giggled, she spoke, "thank you for supporting us, again and again, I'll thank all of you for supporting our decisions in life. Thank you for loving us, for our songs and things that we do."

"Wonderful, now, a message to those who loves someone."

"This is kinda cheesy to say but, if you really love the person, go for it. Take risks, trust them and love them. Show them how much you love them, not through words but through actions." Momo had said while looking at the camera.

Mina smiled, "and to those who have suitors, if you love them back, show them that they have a chance with you. Don't be scared that you'll get hurt, always show them that your feelings are true. Sometimes, even if they're your suitors, you also need to do something."

Momo grinned, "the lesson is here, if you truly love someone, take risks, take actions to conquer your love." Mina continued, "just go with it. If you get heartbroken, smile because it happened, don't cry because it ended."

"Wow, I'm envious. Get me a wife!" The interviewer joked and he looked at camera again, "folks! That's that! Again, here are the members of Myoui-Hirai Family!" He said with such excitement and they all smiled until they heard the director say, "cut!"

Immediately, the kids shot out of their chair and ran towards their Uncle Bambam who was there watching the studio. He voluntered to take the kids to the park to play, to give the married couple a rest day because it's Friday. They waved goodbye at the married couple as they played with each other while walking outside the building.

Momo held Mina's hands as they walked slowly, a thought came to her mind. "You know, it's the first time I never rushed out of the studio."

Mina suddenly remembered her day when she guested here, "yeah, same for me."

"I was scared of your mood swings whenever you had your period and it so just happened that they invited me to be their guest and how can I decline the invite?" Momo reminisced, laughing because of how Mina looked scary then.

"Same, but I was scared of your mood swings when you were pregnant 4 years ago. I don't accept invites but when Dahyun told me to accept one I just did, and then you texted me to come home immediately because you're horny. And I just had to bolt out of the studio." They both laughed at Mina's story.

Momo wiped her non-existent tears, "why weren't we like this before?" She muttered to herself but Mina heard it.

Mina cupped her cheeks, "maybe because fate wrote it this way. That we'll have to wait before we get out happy ending."

Momo kissed Mina's nose, "maybe you're right."

The two had walked out of the building, hand in hand they smiled at each other as they walked outside, people have seen them flashing affection. They shamelessly laughed as others gave them a disgusted look. They'd rather be judged together than be judged individually, right now, they didn't care about what others think of them. They just care about each other and their love for each other, and their kids, their family and friends.

Right now, and in the future, they have full on smiles as they have each other. Through thick and thin.

Mina looked at Momo as she smiled, Momo understood this smile and she let their noses touch as their breaths were felt by each other.

"First to step in the ice cream parlor will be treated!"

Mina and Momo giggled at each other, their smiles up to ears, wrinkles on each side of their eyes. They really loved being together and it's enough for them. Running around like teenagers, with hands interwined, they giggled nonstop, as if they were still young.

Alas, they have found love. Love that would serve them happiness for the rest of their lives.

— fin —




no lmao wtf

i maybe am publishing more stories lol

i have no speech

hElp ;-;

and again, thankyousomuuuuuuuch for the reads i/m really happy lol twice loves u 2 btw hehe

yo this story is #1 in mimo!!!! im freaking out rn and i love all of youuuUuuUuuuUu tysm for the reads and votes!!!!!!!!!!


also a michaeng and a satzu story will be published separately ;))))')))))))))


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