death five; robin

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before school started i had crept into the nurses office and went over to the box which held all the medication.

after digging through the box, i fished out robin's paracetamols, and carefully unpeeled the wrapping, swapped the pills over, and re applied the wrapping to make it look like it hadn't been opened yet.

i then took the remaining strips out of her box, and unpopped all the pills apart from three; pill number five and two other normal paracetamol.

and then i left, a smile on my face.


"sir, can i go to the nurse's office please?" mr.baldwin sighed. he said in a robotic voice "another headache, miss ruler?"

she nodded and he dismissed her, handing her a pass.


usually robin took around ten minutes.

it took her around three to walk there,

four to find her tablets, talk to the nurse, and take them

and then another three to walk back.


"um sir?" bruce, robin's brother called from the front. the teacher looked up and lifted his eyebrow

"what do you want."

"robin's been gone for fifteen minutes now-"

"go get her then!" he shouted, bouncing from his seat. he glared at bruce until he scrambled to his feet and ran through the door.

while bruce was gone, i couldnt help but notice how annoyed our teacher looked. all because little miss ruler aka robin took longer than ten minutes out of class,

and i mean it wasnt as if it was her fault-

bruce ran into the classroom out of breath and crying.

he said, "i think my sister is dead"

and the whole class bursted into chatter.

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