Goose Chase

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"You seem to have gotten us lost, Da?"

"It waz different from ze time I was here! I did not know!"

"Papa, it's alright I am familiar as to where we are."

"Where are we Aru~?"

Canada took a nice big breath of fresh air. He observed a couple of houses that seemed like toys from far away. 

"We're in New York."

The other countries looked at Canada like he was crazy. The Canadian rolled his eyes in response.

"In the 2p's world, everything is opposite, remember? New York is populated and doesn't really have the freshest air. When you compare it to this..." Canada gestured to the sight, "it adds up, doesn't it?"

The countries nodded in agreement. Canada led them to an airport not to far from where they were standing. The employees there shivered in fear at the sight of the countries present. 

However, they did get a flight fast. They landed in Russia about nine hours later. They were exhausted but Russia led them to his house where they assumed Viktor would be in. 

The discomfort and exhaustion would be worth it when they saw America, right?


Russia sighed as he busted down his, or rather Viktor's, door and stomped inside. The lights were still leading everyone to think they were still in the house.

"Amerika?" Germany boomed out. 

When he was greeted with silence, Canada and France rushed in and searched the house. 

"ALFRED!" Canada shouted. He ran down many hallways and went through many doors. Panic rose up in him every time he found no one. 

Matthew had been more worried than anyone. Alfred, not America, was his little brother. Sure, he would act like his people but Alfred had more of a personality than what he showed to others. 

He was smart. How else would he have been able to take down England's army? One that was at least twice as big,

He could be serious. Alfred definitely did not play around when Hawaii got bombed. 

He cared about his appearance and others, despite what others thought. Matthew woke up to a crying Alfred several times because the younger one thought he was losing his place in the world. 

Alfred meant a lot to Matthew. As a brother, not just a country. 

So you best bet when he heard Allen's voice on that phone and discovered his brother going missing, well, he wasn't as calm as he would seem. 

He most certainly wasn't calm when France's voice called for him.

"Matthew! We have found something!"

Canada raced to the source of France's voice and found the countries huddled around a piece of paper.  "What is it?" Canada asked. 

France handed him the paper. 

Dear countries of the world,

I, Viktor, assume that you all are looking for Alfred. 

He's gone. With me. He's safe and unharmed. However, Allen sensed you all in his country and wanted me to evacuate Alfred. Hope you all give up and go home. 

America is gone. Face it. You can never have him again.



Canada crumbled up the paper and forced it into France's hand. 

"Canada-" Italy said before the country ran into a hall and locked himself inside a room. He screamed and punched everything in sight.

"I SWEAR TO GOD-" He paused when he saw another piece of paper under a lamp. It was barely visible.

Hey, America here. We're heading to New York. I don't know where. Got to go bye

That's all it said.

Well wasn't that uh, a uh, dramatic chap. 

Anyway, I think the story is going to be coming to end in like three-four chapters.

HOWEVER, those chapters are gonna be loooooong. 

So, look forward to that! 

See ya later ma dudes. 

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