Hiding Amerika

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Allen's eyes widened as he sat up from his bed. He was currently staying in his hotel, not really doing anything. His whole part in this whole fiasco was nothing more to stir up some fear and get Alfred into the safety of the 2p's world. 

He'd been informed by Mathieu that Alfred had trouble getting adjusted to their world but, according to Russia, wasn't causing any trouble. 

However, that wasn't why his eyes widened. Allen sensed nine countries step into his country. Somewhere near Canada, but in his country nevertheless. 

"Damn 1p's," he growled, taking out his phone and calling Russia. 


"Hello Commie, I got some new for you that I expect you to listen to since you have the custody of Alfie," Allen said roughly. 

On the other end, Viktor rolled his eyes but made a sound of agreement.

"Nine countries stepped foot on my ground. I suspect it's the 1p's since none of you guys have any business on my soil."

"Well that is problematic, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is. What I want you to do is take Alfred and whoever the hell you want to New York."

Viktor scoffed at the American. 

"You want me to take him closer to them? Why don't I just hand him over with an apology letter then?"

Allen, in response to the sassy Russian, made a growling noise in his throat.

"Look, they most likely suspect that Alfred is Russia. Didn't you tell me the other day you spilled that information to Ivan?"

"That is correct."

"Then they'll be going straight to Russia. I have connections in New York, of course, I do, it's part of my territory. They won't think to check the city thoroughly," Allen explained, checking his fingernails.

Viktor pondered the idea before nodding and replying with, "Ok."

Allen sighed and leaned against the wall behind him. 

"Good. Tell Alfie to stay safe, oh, and remember," Allen paused and put the phone as close as possible to his mouth. "if I see Alfred hurt in any way possible and it was done by your hands, you will literally no longer exist on this planet. Got it?" 

Russia snorted at the attempt to sound intimidating. 

"Now I know where Alfredka gets it from. Alright, whatever you say. Goodbye."

Viktor hung up the phone and relaxed in his chair. Ukraine raised an eyebrow at Viktor's conversation on the phone. 

"What was that all about, brother?"

"Apparently the 1p's are here and we must immediately go to America and stay in New York," Russia said standing up. He gathered his papers and opened the door to leave. "Go pack your items, I will get Belarus and America." 

Ukraine nodded and Viktor left the room. He was surprised, a little, to see Alfred sleeping. As far as he was used to, Allen didn't sleep at all. Ah, but this isn't Allen is it? Viktor silently agreed to himself. 

"Belarus," Viktor called out across the library. She jumped a little but stood up in attention. "Go pack your things, Ukraine will inform you about the rest."

She did the same as her sister and nodded, leaving Viktor with America. 

"How do I wake you up?" Viktor muttered softly. He shoved Alfred and got nothing. He tried again, this time more roughly and all he got was a groan. 

Viktor then proceeded to drag Alfred off the couch. His body landed with a thud but Alfred still didn't wake up. 

"America!" Viktor shouted. "Five more minutes... we got time till the world meeting..." Alfred slurred out. "The meeting is already starting."

That got his attention. Alfred shot up like a bullet and scrambled to his feet. "Oh my god the meeting?! I haven't prepared anything," he paused when he saw Viktor. "because there is no meeting."

Viktor crossed his arms and Alfred chuckled nervously. "Sorry, fell asleep. What's up my dude?" Alfred asked. Viktor rolled his eyes but a small, barely visible, smile tugged on his lips. 

"I needed you to wake up because we are going to New York. Allen said he'd feel safer if you were in his country," Viktor lied. 

Alfred shrugged, buying it. "Allen can be such a mom," he complained. "Well your mom wantsit done so it's going to be done. Let's go," Viktor replied. He put his hand on Alfred's back and guided the shorter one outside. 

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