Chapter 7

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I was finally winning at something even if it was something as easy at tic tac toe but it was whatever.

"So I have to ask is your name actually Hermione or is that just the big Harry Potter fan in you wanting to be called Hermione" he asked.

I laughed "ya its my actual name and I think that is why I grew to love Harry Potter as much as I do. I have a question for you since you went to this topic".

"Ok lay it on me" he laughed.

"If you had the chance to change your name what would it be or are you cool with being called Niall?"

"Oh I thought it was going to be something bad or something. That's a tough one because I like my name but I could see my self as maybe a Logan, Noah, or maybe even Samuel".

I raised my eyebrows "Samuel really?"

We both laughed.

"I can kind of see you as a Logan though but out of those I prefer Niall well for me".

He nodded his head and his face looked like he was confused.

"So what's your answer?"

"I think maybe an Aria or a Carrie even maybe Spencer" I said.

"Ahhh I see I could totally see you as a Spencer it just fits you like you look like a Spencer not saying you don't look like an Hermione bbbbbbbb".

"No keep going your doing great" I said.

I laughed at him.

"So another question to keep my streak going . What made you choose Iceland for your vacation?"


"No no I don't want to be rude just asking since you know the whole world is out there" he said

"No it's just I honestly don't know why I chose Iceland over everything in the world but for some reason it was speaking to me and it seemed interesting to visit and I planning to go on another trip again next year so maybe I'll actually have a reason that i picked that place"

"Where would you want to go next?"

"Probably Paris because I've been wanting to see the Eiffel Tower for so long and I learned the language so many years through school even though I know like nothing and I hope I'll make it there next year or one day"

"Paris is nice and you'll probably love it there"

"So I know that you've traveled a lot what has been your favorite that you been to?"

He sighed "that is a tough one but probably Australia or Japan it's just a nice place to visit and there is always so much to do so I really enjoy going to those places when I can".

"I bet I remember you posting pictures during those trips when you had concerts and it always looked so nice"

"Speaking of concerts have you've seen me live before?"

"I've seen one direction about 3 times and I missed out on your tour which I hate so much because it looked like fun".

"Oh I see"

"I tried but it just didn't work but I'm going to try so hard and make it the text tour"

"You better. By the way you sure talk a lot for someone who is shy and doesn't like speaking" he said while laughing.

"Wow you didn't" I laughed "it's probably because I know after this flight I probably won't ever see you again well like this and you are pretty easy to talk to and you aren't that judgey unless you are judging me in secret then I take that all back"

"Nah your pretty easy to talk to and I like awkward so it works".

I smiled at him.

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