Chapter 14

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Having Niall tell me those things just made me feel so much better and made me want to cry even more. I suddenly realized I was still in my sweatpants and jacket but it was all okay because he hasn't mentioned it and he still talking to me so I guess it's working.

"I never did ask you what part of Iceland are you going to?" Niall asked.

"Oh I thought I did but I'm going to Reykjavik and staying there for a couple of days and then going to explore as much as I can before I leave".

"That sounds fun. Are you at all nervous about being in a new country all alone".

"Why did you say it like a creepy person but no i think it will be good for me to do something on my own".

"Thats true and look at you know you made a friend on the plane".

"I did who?"

He laughed at me "oh i see how it is".

"You know I'm kidding" I said laughing.

"Ya ya I know".

I looked out the window and was just admiring the snow because even though the storm was horrible it was still a beautiful thing to watch.

"When do you think the storm is going to stop and we can get out of this airport?" I asked.

"So you want to get rid of me".

"No no no not at all it was just a question".

"I know I'm messing with you  but honestly seems like it's getting worse and we might be stuck here all night but even though I like hanging out with you I don't want your vacation to be completely ruined so I'm hoping that it blows over soon".

"Ya I like hanging out with you also but your right it does seem like it's getting worse".

We kept talking and I noticed these two little girls probably 9 or 10 just staring in our direction and I knew that they were fans of his because one of them had his merch on.

"Hey not to like creep you out or anything but there's these two little girls that kept looking over here and one of them has your merch on" I said.

"How far are they?" He asked.

"Not far at all they are like maybe 6 tables away from us they are sitting right before the bathroom just like table away".

"Ok I know where you are talking about I'm going to talk to them do you care?"

"No not at all go".

"I'll be right back".

He walked over to the little girls and they looked so happy. He did so well with kids both of the girls had such big smiles on their face.

He also had a big smile on his face and you can just tell he loved his fans. Their mom I'm assuming it was took a picture of them and hugged them and hugged the mom as well.

He then high fived them and waved bye to them and they still had such a big smiles on their face.

He walked back over.

"You totally made their day" I said.

"They were adorable and they were so nice and their mom said she wouldn't do anything with the picture until all the flights are undelayed".

"That was nice of them".

"Ya it is and thanks for giving me the heads up I love meeting fans and before you ask I did notice the ones before staring at us".

"Oh so you did and no problem and they are still smiling so big".

"Ya but I usually just keep walking they could of said something If they wanted to but ya".

"Oh I see" I laughed.

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