Chapter 22

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"I'm going to go the bathroom I'll be right back" he said.


Since he's going to
The bathroom I have time to get his gift prepared I wrote king of travel buddies on the king card and it was so lame but ehhh hopefully he will find it funny. I pulled out a paper.

Dear, Niall
    Thank you for being such a great travel buddy and for talking to me so long because you could of left and sat somewhere else the entire plane ride. For some reason you stayed and even decided to stay afterwards and didn't leave and I truly appreciate it. I could go on and on how much this whole thing meant to me but I'm pretty sure you already know by now because I keep telling you. I basically wanted to say thank you for making my first trip alone really great and for making me less nervous I truly appreciate it
From your travel buddy Hermione.

I folded the note just enough to put it in the deck of cards.

He walked back over and I quickly put the cards back into the bag.

"So what should we do now because I feel like we are running out of ideas" he said.

"I know I feel like we are but let's say we finish the first movie we started".

"That's a good idea I'll get my laptop out and running".

"I'll go run to that little store right there and get some water".

"Okay deal".

I ran over to the little store thing and grabbed some waters and went back to the table we were sitting at.

"You ready to finish this movie" he said.

"Ya if we actually can and don't get distracted".

"Knowing us we probably will but it's okay that means we can always have a conversation".

"True but we should at least try".

"Yeah we can".

He scooted his chair closer to mine and we started the movie from the beginning.

The movie was over and we only got distracted for maybe 10 minutes with talking but other than that we actually finished a movie.

"You see we can get through a movie without completely ignoring it".

"Yup we did we deserve an award" I said jokingly.

"So how did you like the movie".

"Well I have seen it before so I loved it. Did you like it".

"Yeah I did and that's right I remember you telling me that on the plane but I'm glad that you still enjoyed it".

"And I'm glad you enjoyed it too".

He pulled me in like he usually does and kissed me.

"You see this relationship thing isn't so bad right now" he said while he kissed me again.

"Yeah it isn't but I hate to be the buzzkill but we haven't tried long distance".

"Well maybe we can try right now".

"What do you mean we are literally still in the same airport".

"Hold on".

He got up and went down the way and sat maybe 10 tables away from where we are sitting and he pulled out his phone and looked up at me. He texted me saying "look we are long distance now".

I smiled at my phone and texted him back "very funny".

Then he texted back "see it works".

He came running back to me and hugged me.

"I'm baaacccckkkkk see told you we could work long distance" he said.

"You are very funny but it's not the same thing just because there we were tables away doesn't mean we were super long distance".

"I know I know but I just wanted to see you laugh and smile and I succeeded".

"Yes I guess you did".

He smiled at me but with a creepy smile.

"Why are you smiling so creepy" I asked him.

"I don't know just trying to make you happy".

"Believe me I probably the happiest I've been in a long time".

I hugged him and kissed him.

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