Chapter thirty

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After the party had unravelled truths about the innocent town of riverdale, Bella decided to stay on her side of the tracks

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After the party had unravelled truths about the innocent town of riverdale, Bella decided to stay on her side of the tracks. The Southside had been her home, it had welcomed her back without much question and it had given her a place to live when left with no one.

The Northside, supposedly full of wit and charisma, had done nothing but destruction to Bellas life. Secrets were like candy in the two faced high school, and whoever found the most was rewarded with a royalty of popularity.

Southside high was a nice refresher of how school was meant to be for Jessebelle, albeit the drug usage and gangs forming was a bit too much at times.
Bella's phone blared out an obnoxious ring tone as she sat with her feet perched on the desk in front of her.

"Excuse me Ms Rhodes, I don't remember allowing phones to be turned on during my lessons." Mr Phillips voice boomed through the English classroom, an unimpressed glare resting on his skin.

"Thats funny because I don't remember caring." Bella retorted, listening to the low whistles that threaded through the air from her response. Some kids stared at her in awe as the serpent stumbled up from her seat, ignoring the advancing teacher with his hand outstretched.

She answered the call without a seconds hesitance, grabbing her bag and attempting to exit the class. But her teacher stood there, anger bubbling under his skin as he watched the petite teen grow irritated.

"One second Velma." Bella mumbled into the phone, hearing the slight plead from her bubbly blonde friend to stop calling her that before her hand clasped around the speaker.

"Do you mind, I'm in the middle of a phone call." Jessebelle scoffed, pushing past the man left bewildered in the middle of the aisle and headed toward the door.

"You'll get a detention for this Ms Rhodes!" Mr Phillips hollered out as the girl pushed open the jammed door without as much as a care to his remark.

"Oh I'm shaking in my boots, Robert." She called out before sauntering away through the run down hallway.

As Bella reached the school exit, and the cold air flooded on to her skin, she finally allowed her conversation with Betty Cooper to continue.

"Look Nightingale, if you're looking for answers from last weekend..." Bella began, an exhausted tone taking over her otherwise sarcastic demure. She perched on one of the stairs leading to the school entrance, eyeing the old ghoulie that sauntered past her with over eccentric eyeliner and a wicked stare.

"I'm not don't worry. You don't have to tell me a thing." Betty quickly butted in, already knowing where her prying mind had gotten her a few weeks back.

"Then what can I do for ya buttercup?" Bella smiled, hiding away the painful reminder that soon enough someone will ask. It took a moment for Betty to respond, as if she needed time for her mind to tick over such a unusual response.

"Homecoming." Betty started, her voice wavering ever so slightly. Bella knew the girl had been planning this night in her mind for months, in preparation for a night supposedly none would remember yet all wouldnt forget.

"Homecoming is for Northhigh residents, and last time I checked I wasn't really a fan of those dances anyway." Bella intervened the blondes thought process, immediately shutting the idea down before it could progress.

"I know you don't normally come, but now that your with Jughead I thought things might..." Betty whined, her child goal to get Bella to the dances finally becoming in the realm of possibility.

"Woah, now that me and Jughead are together? What are you talking about?" Bella interrupted, her voice going hoarse as the blonde took a minute to think of an excuse.

"Well, we all did see you two last Friday... I just thought you two had finally you know, talked." Betty mumbled, her lunch break taking an unexpected turn as Jughead ran into the blue and gold, disheveled and confused.

"Is that Bella?" Jughead asked, snatching the phone away as soon as the blonde nodded in response.

"Pea!" The boy called down the line with baited breath, sweat beading on his forehead from running.

"Jughead? where'd Betty go?" Bella mumbled a response, a knot forming in her stomach at their last proper conversation.

"You think you can go MIA after my birthday, 'not home' my ass." The boy retorted, referring back to when SweetPea had slammed the door in his face the last Saturday morning.

"I was running." Bella combatted, spotting the array of motorbikes hiked up to the side of the school building.

"And I was on a date with the Queen of England. You're coming to the dance." Jughead refused disapproval with a sarcastic tone and quick comebacks, making the girl on the other end want to stomp her foot like a toddler.

"Since when did you care about the dance?" Bella whined, her lip jetting out and yet submission suddenly daunting on the girl.

"I don't. But I'm sick of hearing Betty moan about you never going, and plus if I have to go so do you." She could feel his gaze narrow even when they were a town apart, and her gut sank at the thought of finally giving in.

"I can't, I'm not a student there anymore." Bella gave one last shot, her voice almost shrivelled into a whisper. A chuckle filtered through the air in humour of her excuse, light hearted and filled with sarcasm.

"Are you acting slow on purpose today Pea? You're my plus one, I'm not just a boy toy with a pretty face. If you want this body, you got to deal with this mind." Jughead Jones heckled down the phone line, his sarcastic tone oozing through into the southside and sending Bella's cheeks to burn red.

"Fine." Bella muttered, hanging up before she gave in any more than she already had. With a sudden countdown rested on her shoulders, Bella had three days to find a dress.



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