Chapter Forty One

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Three hours had passed and little news leaked about the health of Mr Andrews

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Three hours had passed and little news leaked about the health of Mr Andrews. Jughead had a new mission, to find out if any serpent had something to do with the attack. But his most recent mission was to get Bella to tag along.

"Please, Pea! They trust you so much more than me." He whined, hands clasped around hers as he tried to coax her to his way of thinking. They had snuck in to a crevice of the hospital, time ticking by as sluggishly as possible. Dwindling at the prospect of death.

"No. I'm not lying to my family Jug. There's not a chance in hell." Bella deadpanned, eyebrows furrowed and tone the most serious it had been for a long while. A heavy sigh dropped in the air, the boy almost infuriated at her adamancy not to help. Her stubbornness was part of her charm, and yet also part of her downfall.

"Well I'm going. So unless you want to carpool with the Coopers..." a loud scoff echoed at his comment, followed by the stomping of footsteps as Bella followed the teen out of the hospital. Her anger almost steaming out of her ears.

"Jughead Jones you did not just try and blackmail me!" She yelled as they got out into fresh air, no longer damaging the delicate atmosphere within the pristine walls. The boy quickly turned around, both standing in the middle of the cobbled stair case as if to even their height.

"I'm not saying all serpents are evil, Bella. But one could've had it out for Fred. And out of everyone, I thought you would be the most willing to find out who the hell this Black hooded guy is!" Jugheads voice boomed across the street, sending onlookers into a small frenzy at such a violent exchange. But this was Jessebelle Rhodes, she was known to be a bitch.

"Do not turn this around on me, you know-"

Both teens snapped towards the sound, eyes narrowed to the unfamiliar woman who had the audacity to interrupt a very heated conversation.

"What do you want, Lady?" She bit out, not caring that she played into the stereotypes the north side had fitted her with. But she did not expect the relief to flood the adults features, a toxic sweet smile gracing their lips.

"Oh Jesse Baby, it is you!" They sung out, leaping forward and grabbing the teen before she could escape. Bony fingers squeezed her cheeks, forcing eye contact in the most adoringly deviant way. Bellas eyebrows furrowed as she went to yank the hands from her face, a sour look etched into her skin. The boy beside them squirmed at the uncomfortable meeting, confusing thoughts swirling in the front of his mind.

"SweetPea told me you'd be here, I always knew he would look after you." The woman continued to weep, an awkwardly soothing tone lacing her voice. Bella shrugged out of the unfamiliar hold, suppressing the anger that bubbled from the argument before.

"I'm sorry, who even are you?" She snarled, stepping back beside Jug to sever whatever connection the stranger thought they had with her. With a solemn smile, wrinkles began to curl up the woman's cheeks and her eyes crinkled. She reached out once more, but Bella retreated further, escaping the foreign touch as if it were the plague.

"Jesse I'm your momma."



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