Pyrovile and an Impossible Choice

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"You have got to be kidding me." Donna gasped as she looked at the women gathered around me.

"The false prophet will surrender her blood.... and her breath."

"I'll surrender you in a minute, don't you dare." I winked at Donna who glared at me as i smiled.

"You will be silent." The woman said turning to look at Donna. We were both strapped by our arms and ankles to tables.

"Listen, sister. You might have eyes on the back of your hands but you'll have eyes on the back of your head when i'm through with you! Let me go!" Donna yelled.

"Really, you might want to run. i'm violent when i'm angry." I said smiling.

"This voice will cease forever!" The woman holding the knife yelled. She raised the knife high above her head and plunged it into one of my hearts. Donna screamed and i inhaled sharply.

"Barely touched the heart." I spat.

She turned and walked over to Donna as i gasped for breath. "Now, this prattling voice will cease forever!" She raised the knife like she did for me.

"Oh, that'll be the day." I heard the women gasp as they saw the Doctor.

"No man is allowed to enter the temple of Sibyl."

"Oh, it's all right." He shrugged trying to seem girly. "Just us girls. You know i met the Sibyl once. yeah, hell of a women. Blimey! She could dance the tarantella. Nice teeth." He slowly entered the room. "Truth be told, i think she had a bit of a thing for me. I said it would never last she said, 'I know.' Well she would." His eyes rested on mine and i saw him freeze when he saw the blood. Rushing over he used the sonic to free my hands and ankles and kissed my nose. "I'm so sorry."

I grinned, "Still got one heart it's fine."

"No, i mean i should have been here for you."

Despite the pain i stood and the women gasped, "She lives!" The Doctor slipped an arm around my waist as Donna stared in awe.

"You alright there?" i asked looking down at Donna with blood pouring down my chest.

"Never better." She replied sarcastically.

"I like the toga." The Doctor told her as he reached in his pocket for his sonic.

"Thank you. and the ropes?"

"Yeah, not so much." He answered in his high voice before freeing her with his sonic.

"What magic is this?" The woman in red asked.

"Let me tell you about the sibyl, the founder of this religion." He threw the sonic twirling it in the air and caught it. My gaze drifted to the girl who i had seen in the marketplace a day ago. "She would be ashamed of you. All of her wisdom and insight turned sour. Is that how you spread the word, eh, on the blade of a knife?"

"Yes, a knife that now welcomes you!" I grabbed her arm as she tried to raise the knife and twisted it behind her back, turning her around.

Gasps came from around the room. "She is possesed by a god!" One yelled. Huh, guess they didn;t want to believe i was the devil, which is more likely knowing my personality.

"Show me this man and god." A woman behind a curtain demanded. All of the women fell to their knees and I released the womens arm i was holding.

"High priestess, the strangers would defile us."

"Let me see, these ones are different." I pressed a hand to my heart to try and stop the bleeding. I inhaled sharply again and tried to calm my nerves. "They carry starlight in their wake."

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