c h a p t e r t w o

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And the dreams you left behind you didn't need them, like every single wish we ever made. I wish that I could wake up with amnesia.

Five Seconds Of Summer - Amnesia.

f r a n k

"Guess I'll be back in fifteen?" I said, sounding a lot like I was questioning Gerard as I stepped off of the bus I could actually afford today and went into the smaller store that wasn't too far away from home so I could pick something up for us to eat tonight, and maybe even a ten deck of fags if I had enough change for that.

Gerard giggled on the other end of the phone, cars being heard in the background of his giggles, "Sure thing, I'll see you later. I've gotta go, I love you." We both exchanged a few more goodbyes before ending the call. I pocketed my phone and headed towards the aisle that had pizza on it and grabbed two of the cheapest pizzas that tasted shitty with the lack of cheese and tomato sauce on them but it's what we could afford on such a budget as ours.

I headed over towards the tobacco counter, smiling at the cashier that motioned for me to bring my stuff to her, she scanned the pizza and put it into an orange bag for me, smiling, "Is that all, sir?" My eyes scanned the small display behind her, instantly finding the pack I wanted and pointed at them to give her a hint, "Ten Berkeley Superkings please."

"You got any ID on you?" I nodded with a huff, going into my pocket to grab my wallet, handing over my driver's license, the only identification that I'm actually willing to carry around with me without the fear of losing it, "I can't believe this, I get ID'd every single time I buy cigarettes and booze, as soon as my boyfriend tries, he gets away with it! He's never been ID'd! This isn't fair!"

The cashier laughed, scanning my fags and putting them into the bag and put up the total on the screen, "that's five ninety please. Is he older or younger than you?" I giggled, starting to count out enough change to pay her, "He's a few months older than I am, but he does look a lot younger with a lack of piercings and tattoos."

I handed my money over and picked up the bag, collecting the receipt and said goodbye to the woman, leaving the supermarket. It wasn't too far away from our place, it was- at most- a five minute walk. It didn't take me too long to get to our block, I reached the main door and got out my keys, unlocking the door and letting it close behind me before heading up the three flights of stairs to our flat.

There was our neighbour, her keys in her bag as she searched for them, "Evening!" I chirped, hoping for her to reply but she pulled out her keys in that moment, opening the door and slamming it behind her. I laughed, opening the door. As soon as I walked in, I saw Gerard petting Kawaii who was sat on his lap, Freddie curled up at the feet of their owner.

I left the bag on the counter and joined Gerard on the old, slightly lumpy sofa with a smile as Freddie got up off of Gerard's feet and climbed onto my lap, brushing his head against my stomach before settling down on my crossed legs, "He was keeping my feet warm." Gerard mumbled with a pout, scratching Kawaii between her ears and jokingly glaring at me and Freddie.

"Don't take this out on us! We all have favourites here and this seating arrangement proves just who the favouritisms lie with." I giggled as Gerard gasped, clutching his heart with his free hand, "You favour Freddie over me? You always said we shouldn't have cats and should have a dog! And this is the fourth time in three days that you have offended me!"

I rolled my eyes and shifted Freddie off of my lap, Gerard getting the hint and he gently pushed Kawaii of off him and onto the floor, obeying my silent beckon and climbed onto my lap, both of his legs on my left side as his arms slipped around my neck, "Do you have anything you wanna tell me, Frankie?"

Caraphernelia {Frerard}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя