c h a p t e r t w e n t y t w o

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And I know she'll be the death of me, at least we'll both be numb and she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come but at least we'll both be beautiful and stay forever young

The Weeknd - Can't Feel My Face

f r a n k

I started to become happier whilst I spent time with Grace and her friends. It had already gotten to the point that I didn't consider them as Grace's friends, but as my own friends too. I felt welcome there and I didn't feel much of a burden to them either. I was learning new skills each day, how to tattoo better and faster with a steadier hand. I didn't have to rely on Grace to get my own money, it had only been the third day in when Grace told me she had put in a good word that I was new but trained by her and that because of her, she got me my first few customers.

It was fucking surreal, when I was in school, I had dreamt of being a tattooist and doing something I love as a job but I never thought it would actually happen. I started getting more involved in social media to promote my works. Every so often a certain username would catch my eye, knowing it was Gerard because of his stupid "@g.whiz" phase. I had to revamp my Instagram by deleting previous photos and I deleted my twitter, finding no use in it anymore. I ended up gaining a lot of people, whether it was for the tattoos, the art doodles, spray painting or the weed, I wasn't too certain but it made me feel better.

I still felt like something was missing from my life and I didn't have to ponder on it too long to know that it was Gerard that was missing out. But I didn't necessarily care, I was starting to remove him and his brother from my life and I was building up my own new life that I wanted. I had no valid reason to get rid of Mikey from my life whatsoever, but I felt like it was something I had to do and what was right if I ever wanted to put all of my past into the past.

We had all just gotten back into Chris' car after having finishing up with "redecorating" a few walls in an alley way. We all had our hands covered in paint and bandanas or other forms of masks still covering our face, hanging around our necks or resting up on our heads. Jimmy, Lynz and I were sat in the back of the car whilst Grace and Chris were sat up front, Grace leaning over every so often so that she could put a joint to Chris' mouth for him to inhale as he drove us to the place we were arranged to sleep for the next few nights.

"My vision is going blurry! Who's taking over?" Chris calls out, Lynz giggling, calling out a 'I will!' and climbing over seats into the front seat after Chris opens his door up and slides out into the air. At that moment, my phone begins to vibrate and the generic iPhone tone was playing, only just heard over Grace's music that she was blasting through her aux cord.

I check the screen quickly, my stomach dropping slightly when I see Gerard's name there, "Yo, I've gotta take this call, wait up, yeah?" Lynz turns the music down and nods her head in the direction of my door. I climb out and slide my screen to accept the call from him. I hear the tail end of him hissing at someone to shut up before he stutters, realising that I had answered him.

"Frank?" Gerard asks, as if to make sure it was me and not another Frank he might have in his contacts, "hey, Frank? I was just wondering --" Gerard paused, the sound of a door closing before he continued with his request, "uh -- can we meet up tonight? I need to talk to you, alone and in person." I frown and turn to face the car, seeing Chris was getting back in and settling down in Lynz's old place and rolling his own joint as Lynz skips through a few songs before settling on one. Grace was finishing off her own joint beside Lynz, laughing at something someone said.

"What? Why the fuck?"

"Look, I know it's strange but I'll tell you why when I see you, okay? I'll text you a place and meet me there at nine thirty, alright?" Gerard asked, not exactly giving me much room to establish my own requirements so I just sigh instead, "uh, I might be able to. It depends on when the group settle down."

We both said our goodbyes quickly as I was being beckoned by Jimmy to get into the car, only having about two seconds to close the door and do my seatbelt up before Lynz sped off, going from zero to forty in what seemed like only four seconds. I stare at my phone, realising that I had seven missed calls from Gerard already, that he had tried getting through to me before just now.

"Frank, stop fucking around and get outta the car." Grace said, now looking down at me from my car door which was now open. She was resting her arm on the top of the car, a joint in her other hand. I looked up, somewhat confused as to where we were. Grace sees this and her grin softens into a smile, "you alright, man? You look stunned. Is it something to do with that call you just had, or something else?"

I look between Grace and my phone once again before shrugging, "uh, it's just Gerard. He wants me to meet up with him tonight and I guess I said I'd think about it. I'm not even sure I want to see him after knowing he got me to tattoo my own initials onto him. I don't exactly wanna be left alone with him, y'know? Nothing good came outta being alone with him last time. I'm just real worried about what he wants, that's all."

"You're worried 'bout yourself, I can't just let you go wandering off in the middle of the night whilst I'm either sleeping, eating or smoking. If you're that worried, I'll come along with you and like, wait a few metres away so I can cut in if anything bad happens?" I shrug, checking my phone again and see a text from Gerard, an address stated, ending in a smiley face, "I guess I will be fine by myself, nothing that bad will be able to happen. I'll just have to be... Careful, I guess?"

Grace smiles and nods, leaning in a little to see the message sent, "y'know, if you wanted me to, I could give you a lift to wherever it is you're meeting up with him. Just to save you time and to make sure you get there. I know my way and everything." I check the time, seeing that I wouldn't be able to find my way in only thirty five minutes and that trusting Grace to get me there on time would be the best option for me.

I shrug, mumbling a 'sure' in reply, knowing that Grace was going to find a way to get herself along with me whether I liked it or not. Her massive grin returns and she starts bouncing on the balls of her feet, "good! This way I can kinda stalk you guys and make sure nothing goes wrong. I am your saviour!" Grace pushes herself off of the car and runs into the empty building that we were all going I preoccupy tonight, "I'll go grab the keys! Wait there, alright?"

"Stalking is illegal, y'know?" I call after her, hearing her laugh as she retrieved car keys off of Lynz, I guessed. Only seconds later did she reappear with the keys held up into the air as she ran towards the car and swung the driver's door open, sliding in. Grace looks at me in the mirror as she adjusts her seat for her tiny frame, "come sit up front with me, you nerd."

Sighing dramatically, I climb between the seats instead of getting out and getting back in through another door. I almost fall flat onto Grace at one point, nearly breaking my ankle once again at another. As I plonked myself down, Grace looks at me, watching me, looking highly amused from the struggle I had just had getting up front with her.

"C'mon, nerd, let's go take you to your secret meet up with your boyfriend before you're late and he thinks you stood him up." Grace starts up the car and checks the mirrors one last time as she reverses out of the space and gets into gear before going forwards, towards our destination.

Yo, this was supposed to be up sooner, but I uh... Got distracted by the new fic I'm writing that's now up (shameless promotion -- go read it please and thank you)

Also, my thumb really hurts because I burnt it on a hot ceiling light. So send help.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2015 ⏰

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