c h a p t e r n i n e t e e n

182 19 16


If it hurts this much, then it must be love and it's a lottery, I can't wait to draw your name.

You Me At Six - Always Attract

f r a n k

It was most definitely the worst situation I had been placed within in a very long time, not having felt that awkward since having to sit in the waiting room with my now ex girlfriend for accidentally elbowing her in the face when I tried putting all those lame ass fuckboy pulling moves on her -- at the very tender age of fourteen. Safe to say, she never came within a mile's radius of me, my smooth moves or rough elbows again.

I still had Mikey to pull those smooth moves on, what's the worry. I laugh to myself, almost letting my amusement show through a light smile on my face but decide against it. Knowing Gerard and his mother, I wouldn't be allowed to have such enjoyments in life whilst I was in their presence, my mere smile will only upset them.

Wouldn't want that to happen, and the notion was to be avoided at all costs, in fear of my life being taken. Both the mother and son were highly likely to be the one to take my life, the mother more so considering, at one point, the son somewhat liked me.

"So, Frank," I instantly look up at the voice, making eye contact with the Way father out of finding escape in his eyes more than staring at my plate I'm hope I didn't get lynched by his wife and son, "what have you been doing with yourself and all your spare time that you now have because Gerard came back up to live with us?"

I place my knife and fork down on the plate that seemed alarmingly full considering it felt like I had been eating away at it for ages. I fake a smile, preparing myself for the biggest lie of the day, "well, I continued working, trying to forget the absence of Gerard, then I moved in with Mikey and his friends. I guess they're a good influence on me because I've started studying Mikey's textbooks and once in a while I will slip into the back of one of the lectures to see what it would've been like if I continued education."

Their dad smiles, cutting different parts of his breakfast up and taking a mouthful, "does the idea of further education sound good to you?" I smile wider, this time it been rather genuine. Only, it was the thought of me, attending lectures and participating and using the certificates as something to get me a well paid job at the end of it all.

"Just thinking of it reminds me of how much I underachieved in my high school. I think I'll give it a pass this time."

"You didn't underachieve in high school." Gerard said, as if it was an automatic phrase for him to say. It takes him a few moments before he looks up, eyes wide and body frozen. I look over to his mother, almost violently cringing in my seat from the deathly glare that Gerard unknowingly received for what he said.

"I mean, you're really smart. I can't deny it, you done better than me in quite a few subjects. Maybe Mikey can tutor you and you become smarter than him."

I smile and look back down at my plate, not wanting a personalised death glare from Donna for myself for being happy over the words I just heard.

"We both know Mikey hides a lot of his knowledge so there's no way I'm going to be smarter than this sneaky shit." I watch both of the brothers from the corner of my eye, Mikey breaking a smile out as if he was confirming what I said about him, Gerard nodding along to the words.

However, when I looked up at the Way parents, one out of two weren't exactly happy about the banter at the dinner table. Donna looked disappointed that we were able to make jokes with each other, even if it was only going to be for a few moments before Gerard went back to resenting me. However, her husband was much prouder of us, so obviously wanting us all to get along with each other as we once did before the break up and all the shit after it.

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