chapter 11

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hey guys. im back. thanks to those who stuck with me for all this time. :) anyway if you guys could maybe vote or comment that would be really great. thanks.


sadies pov

i gazed out upon the familiar view. this hill was where we used to play as children. in the winter we would climb all the way up with our sleds and then ride them down together. it was always one of my favorite things to do.

i hadn't been back here since we stopped talking and it only seems right that now i have returned with him.

i feel as though this shows how much he cares. he took me to a place that he knee was special to me when i was a kid. only he would have known that for we never came here with anyone else.

i closed my eyes, breathing in the flower infused air and smelling the sweet fresh scent of needles on a pine tree. i sighed, this was so peaceful, so relaxing.

"Sadie" james said.

i opened my eyes and took in the scene in front of me.

he was standing a few feet away near a blanket that he had spread out on the.soft green grass. sitting on top of the blanket was a large tan picnic basket.

"come sit" he said softly

i walked over and sat down on the blanket. he sat next to me and pulled the basket toward him.

he took out two sandwiches and i could smell the scent of roast beef wafting off of them. our favorite.

i smiled at him and he grinned, handing me one sandwich he unwrapped him and started eating. i did the same enjoying the delicious taste of the savory meat. his mom always made the best sandwiches.

he finished quickly and leaned back watching me finish mine. when i was done he pulled me closer and wrapped me up in a big hug. it felt so nice and i was immediately reminded of how much i had missed him.

i leaned upwards and kissed him lightly on the lips. he smiled and me and pulled me down in the grass so we were lying, side by side watching the cloud roll by.

before i knew it, i was drifting off into a deep sleep.


so i hope you guys liked it. dont forget to like it and maybe leave a comment.

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