Chapter 4: Run like hell.

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***this chapter is Edited***


Maybe the world had quieted down. Maybe the planet had stopped spinning in anticipation. Maybe it was just the adrenaline coursing through every blood vessel in my body at the sight before me.

For the first time, I wished it was King Jayden who was invading my pokey cell again, forcing himself into my personal space.

But it wasn't.

My breath got caught up in my throat, my hands gripped tightly on my chains – that I had wrapped around my palms thrice as a makeshift weapon – until they stung, my knuckles turning bone white.

As soon as they walked in, I realized how stupid those chains were, that they would do me no good.

Half-a-dozen tall, cloaked figures – dressed from head to toe in suffocating black. Underneath their hoods they wore those metal black helmets with the protective black glass – flooded into my cell.

I tried to fight back – to kick, to punch, to bite even – but it seems that they had gotten a heads-up about my recklessness from when I had kicked the guard from the meeting. They had dogged every attack I had engaged.

They grabbed me with hands of steel. They had unlocked the cuffs around my ankles, replaced the shackles on my wrists with new ones that weren't hooked to the wall then proceeded to drag me out.

I screamed and screamed... but nothing stopped them. I had held onto the chains as they tried to pull me out my force. Even though they removed the cuffs, the chains were still wrapped around my hands. The metal groaned in protest as they tugged and tugged, my hands were screaming in agony till I finally let go of the only weapon I had involuntarily thanks to the unbearable pain.

They had come prepared for my screams and cries for they gagged me with a cloth that reeked heavily of dust. My eyes stung, threatening to spill seas of tears as I was dragged across the dusty, stone floor against my will. My knees burned as the scrapped against every rough, ragged surface drawing blood that left a trail behind me. Bruises adorned my wrists, ankles and waist, new injuries popped all over my body thanks to their treatment.

I had tried everything to escape their iron grip, to snake my arms out of those cuffs but to no avail. From clawing at them with my nails to trying to hook my arms and legs around objects, corners, walls, anything to stop them for taking me to trying to bite them through the gag... Nothing worked. The iron grips held firm onto me as they hauled me wherever they desired.

Every attempt at fighting them off was pointless as they were twice my size – in both height and weight –, they can knock me out as easily as they can flick a snowflake off their clothes.

"Stop!" The gag muffled my screams, my pleas. They kept yanking me down the hallway that lead to my cell.

Along the hallway there were seven doors other than mine. They stood wide open, revealing the empty cells beyond.

The other seven contestants.

The other seven sections.

They are dragging me out to be readied like a pig for slaughter

All my attempts to hold back tears went down the drain as they started racing down my face, burning and cleansing every scratch that I have received on my face down to my chin.

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