Chapter 3: I Want You To Win.

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***This chapter is Edited***


My head throbbed.

With each accelerating heartbeat, the pressure behind my eyes seemed to grow - the headache pushing against them like a tumor with unbearable pain as I slowly drifted to consciousness.

The effect of the sleeping drug the guards have stabbed me with still lingered in my blood.

My limbs felt heavy, almost non-existent. My eyelids remained sealed shut as my eyeballs darted underneath them, searching for any light. I couldn't even to bring the muscles in my eyelids to cooperate.

Even though my eyes were closed, I could still sense the ever-lasting darkness all around me. It was so dark, so cold, so stuffy.

As I slowly regained sensitivity in my limbs, I could feel cold air on my legs like a million needles. I shivered. I knew that they were now exposed, no longer covered by the soft fabric of my red dress that was now hitched up to my thighs. I tried to pull my legs against my body to warm them but I was still helpless.

A groan escaped my lips as my eyes slowly cracked open. The darkness all around me was terrifying, suffocating. A cell, is where I was stuck. I could bet all my life that I was in the holding cells underneath the palace or somewhere as equally gruesome, waiting to be readied for The Versency.

Like my life was mine anymore to bet away...

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness. A line of light slithered into the room from underneath the door was the only source of illumination I had.

I looked at my feet to see them bare. The red heels, that my mother had spent a fortune on, were missing. My red dressed –now bunched up to my thighs – had stains of mud scattered over it like a rash, tears littering the soft material showing a sliver of the pale skin underneath.

An inaudible whimper escaped my mouth as I beheld how scratched up my feet along with my legs were, splotches of dirt scattered across my pale skin, bruises everywhere, my toes blueish from the piercing cold – I could barely feel them.

Bits and pieces of my memory started to resurface. My mother's heart-wrenching screaming still ringed in my ears. The sight of my dad –the fearless Leader of Police of Hell Bay – with tears streaming down his face never disappeared from the front of my eyes. I vaguely remember being dragged down the stairs, tossed like a sack into the back of a van.

Indeed when I tipped my head slightly down – the movement sending waves of dizziness and pain – my knees were bruised up and split open with dried blood smeared all over them.

They dragged me in here like an animal.

My eyes then landed on the metal cuffs on both my ankles, with chains running from them to the wall which I was leaning on. I tried to reach out with my hands to them but similar cuffs adorned my wrists, weighting them down. I was too cold – still affected by the drug – to try and lift my hands up.

Anger flooded my body as a quiet sob came out of me. My vision blurred with tears as I rested my head back against the stone-cold wall, looking up at the heavens, cursing whatever gods were up there.

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