Funny How It Rained All Day

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"I don't mean to be a bother, but have you seen this girl? She's been running through my dreams, and it's driving me crazy, it seems I'm going to ask her to marry me. Oh she doesn't believe in love, but he's determined to call her bluff, who could deny these butterflies? They're filling his gut, waking the neighbors, unfamiliar places he pleads, oh he tries but he's only denied now he's dieing to get inside."

-Remembering Sunday by All Time Low

Dakota's POV

It was raining, and not just sprinkling, It was pouring rain. First day in the water tower where everyone has the day off and it's raining like it's not the middle of summer. Mother nature upsets me. Surprisingly, I was the first one up today, so it was my job to wake up the girls. Which would be fine if it weren't always like mission impossible. They sleep like drugged hippies. I threw open the bedroom door to see Emma and Aria huddled together in the corner, as far as possible away from Jade, who had her foot tangled in the snake we keep in the bedroom.

HA just kidding, it was the lamp cord. I stepped lightly over the door frame to avoid any tripwires, and ninja rolled into the middle of the room, quietly humming my own off-key version of mission impossible. I rolled one more time to the drawer in the corner and pulled out the pop gun that I got from Knotts. Time to crab crawl. I decided to wake up Emma first. She was the nice one, so I decided not to go for the face. I made sure the gun was fixed, aimed, and then I shot, the satisfying pop echoed in the room. I hit her straight in the boob.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" Emma was up in a matter of seconds, holding her boob. I cackled and ran out of the room, knowing that she wasn't going to chase me because let's be honest, it's eight oclock in the morning.

After hiding in the bathtub for a good ten minutes, I ran stealthily back into the room, making sure to jump over the door frame. It was Aria's turn. Since Emma had gotten up, her arms were wrapped around her stomach. She was all wrapped around herself so I couldn't get a clear shot. So I did what any other person would do in a situation like this, I aimed for her left earlobe. Bullseye.

Aria's eyes snapped open like the picture on the cover of of Insidious. She didn't move for a full ten seconds, but analyzed me, her prey. Before I had time to think, she jumped up and punched me in the gut. I glared, secretly glad I wasn't a guy with balls because Aria punches like a 300 pound weight lifter.

"You're lucky I haven't eaten yet, or else I would upchuck all over your sorry ass." I said. Aria just shrugged and stomped to the bathroom to take a shower.

I looked over to see Jade on the floor, snoring softly, her curls covering one side of her face. Aww, she almost looked to cute to wake up. Not. I made one of those unnecessary ninja noises that you always hear in the Jackie Chan movies and shot her straight in the forehead. She opened her eyes,I swear to God they crossed for a split second, and smiled, then frowned when she remembered she was in pain.

"You're stupid." She mumbled rubbing her face. I admired the nice red mark the popper had left inbetween her eyes.

"Tanks pudding pocket!" I said, in my best Irish accent (don't judge). She got up and stretched like a cat, making a whale-like noise. When she was done, she looked over at me and squinted when she realized that I was still there.

"Go make me breakfast you peasant," she said, flicking my cheek. Yes Queen Jade, why don't I make you breakfast and try not to get mobbed by angry people who can't take a joke. 



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