What You Make Of It

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"Hanging by a thread, but I can feel your windows opening. Throwing rocks into your bed, throwing rocks until you let me in," -Crash by The Summer Set

How did I end up in such a trio? Lou, Aria, and I were sitting in the food court, a bit of ways off, so that Louis could avoid getting swarmed. Actually, Louis and Aria were ignoring the hard chairs altogether. They were sitting on the linoleum playing patty cake. Yes, you read that correctly. Patty cake.

We had split up, Jade, Hazza, and Nialler were heading over to Jack Willis while Zayn, Liam, and Emma went off in search for some hair supply place. They deemed me the best fit for watching them, seeing as I've dealt with Aria since kinder. We ran around in circles, ending up in a few children's shops, and spent a good chunk of time in Vans. Aria picked a fight with a cashier, something about how tight the trucks should be. It ended up with Lou riping off his disguise and screaming he was famous and didn't have to deal with this bull. Then hiding out in a ladies restroom for twenty minutes. Oh how I love them but then at the same time... Florida swamp.

"Dakota, when are the other's going to get here," Aria whined, stopping mid-pat to turn her eyes on me. They were a light brown, ringed in a darker shade on the edges of her irises. She blinked and I tried to come up with a distraction. Honestly, they were supposed to be here fifteen minutes ago. I was starting to worry a bit.

"Hopefully soon," I replied, shifting around in my seat. I felt on edge, the type of chills that creep up your spine when you're being watched. My head snapped to the side, catching a glimpse of familiar pink shorts. Emma was running through the busy food court, dodging several bypassers to get to me with an infectious grin. Zayn and Liam were trying to catch up, as she almost ran into the wooden table with a screech, toms skidding against the smooth floor.

"Pants on fire?" I questioned, noticing the red pigments in her cheeks. HA, I'm not the only one blushing abnormally often now. She laughed, the airy sort after you've just ran the mile but your best friend made the best comment about your teacher's too tight shorts in the nether reigons. She shook her head, and I noticed that the other group was appearing from the other side. I waved them over, as Zayn and Liam arrived.

"It's not proper to scream race and then take off in the middle of a crowd, Emma," Liam teased, his hands on his knees. She laughed again, and I motioned to the surrounding chairs. I figured that we could just drag away stray chairs come time to eat. Jade, Niall, and Harry were skipping over, their arms linked. I bite my tongue, choking back a comment about being discreet. Knowing my loud tendencies, screaming to blend in would only draw more stares. I nibbled on my lower lip, hoping we wouldn't gather a crowd. It was pretty close call earlier. Foaming at the mouth girls aren't really my cup of tea.

"It's not proper to leave a lady in a store because you see a book you've been dying to read in a store front window," Zayn shot back, giving Liam a smirk before smiling at Emma. Can you hear wedding bells? I can, oh yes, I can. Totally not plotting. Wait, meddling never ends well. Darn you cliches and your accuracy!

"Hello-o-o!" Harry greeted, smiling brightly at our gathering. Niall was in awe at all the food options, while Jade was doing that thing with her feet. It's more comfortable for her to have one of her feet faicng inward, or in any position where her knees face eah other. It's almost like the're saying hello. When she was younger she used to wear braces for it so they'd grow straight, but old habbits die hard. Sort of like Aria with tap dancing when she's bored. Very interesting.

"Ello boys, pudding pocket," I announced, watching Jade dissolve into giggles. Harry raised an eyebrow and I grinned back. Oh joy, this could be fun. You see, Jade happens to laugh automatically at two certain words, fetus and pudding. Say it long enough you just might get her to fall down. Now to get Harry alone to tell him she find the word pudding sexy. Or something believeable. Whatever, forget the whole not meddeling stuff. Not gonna happen. At all. Ever.

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