Hide Your Daughters (AKA ME MOM)

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How much can we do? Compared to the enormity of everything else, all the little harmless things I do seem so small. Every breath seems so fragile, how easily everything can change. Fate is funny in a humourless sort of way like that. I've been bouncing on the balls of my feet this entire meal for that reason. The floor felt hollow, like it'd give way to my bedroom floor. Everyone would scream, being tossed so hard the frame work shuddered, then sighed as we became dolls on the carpet. Plastic, everything feels wrapped in saran wrap. Suffocation, I can't breathe, air where did you go?

Suddenly I'm back in the hotel's restaraunt, back in reality. No one notices the little trip I took, as I fiddle with my fork and eggs. I'm not really a vegetarian seeing as I still eat eggs and fish but oh well. Sue me, I'll still keep the title. Erm, actually please don't do that. I'm not even in college and I'm broke. The lady really skimped on the cheese I requested. Debating whether or not I should just drown the whole mess to ketchupy hell, I could feel eyes on me.

"The fuck Harold, I said I was sorry!" I replied, not even looking up. He grunted something to my right and I could practically hear Jade open her mouth to retort.

"The swear jar doesn't count until we move in so I'm not paying you," I shove a mouthful of lukewarm food in my mouth. Jade was giving me an icy glare but I kept drifting in and out of the fantastical place known as "Dakota World".

To be honest, I don't know if my morbid little mind was better or worse than this awkward meal right now. Aria looked like she was debating throwing the crystal water pitcher in front of her on the ground just to break the silence. Her hair was up in a pony tail for once, the natural highlights of light brown standing out even more so in the florescent setting. Liam was busing himself with his phone, glancing up every few second to see if anyone was noticing. So he's either texting his girlfriend or watching porn via phone. Lovely way to start the day Li.

Harry was being butt hurt so I skipped past his mop of curls to Emma. She was chewing on her nails, to throw salt to make her stop or not?, and acting very badly like she cared about whatever the waitor was telling her. She would be the one to ask for a moist towellete and get a stuffy response. The guy was fairly young so give it a few seconds before she puts a hand on his shoulder, lowers her voice and 'begs' for an exception. Just this once though. Another mouthful of soggy bread and half cooked scramble to choke back a response.

'This tastes like chalk!' I think to myself, swallowing the taste of puppy souls and the tears of Jack Barakat. Jade was playing Mom with Niall, messing with his hair. Her dark hands contrasted against the bleached blonde, catching on a few snares as she played. Her eyes were bright when she figured that she could indeed braid a small section of his head. Judging from his small whimpers, she took no pity on his tender headness. Home brother, I feel ya. And Zayn... Oh hell no.

"Is Zayn asleep?" Emma beat me to it, as Louis poked his shoulder. How does one fall asleep in hot oatmeal? Well maybe they're like my eggs.. Piping hot my left butt cheek. Yep, it only deserves half a butt.

"Where'd lover boy go?" I asked, looking around the room. Normally this sort of thing would take a while. And by a while I mean Emma would mess with the guy, until he realized he wasn't getting anything, called her a tease, and left. So about an hour and a half. She gave me a "shut up the guy I like is conscious now" look so I quieted. Quieted, is that even a word? Probably not, but hey the dictionary is always being fiddled with!

Maybe I could tell Liam and he could pull strings so I could talk to someone from Webster about this monstrosity. Because if rappers are able to get weird slang words in there, a simple small town girl should be too! Equal opportunities, no? Yes! Yes to the little guy! Go underdog, go underdog! I could hear the drunken crowd of college students. Ah, I look forward to rowdy nights and disco lights. Don't judge, I'm allowed to have my moments.

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