Bleach Blonde

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"She was this and that and everything in between; 

A secret word and I know the meaning 

How could I go for so long without her, yeah  

But there's a bleach blonde girl with the records on  

And a smile on her face like she knows what's up  


Well if she don't care, then I don't care"  

-This Century

Sleeping was fickle, there were nights were I'd just stay awake longing for sleep. I'd drag myself out of bed and force myself to get to school, to cope with all the arse holes who manage to get by easier than me. Tonight, wasn't one of those nights surprisingly. I was nervous about my sleeping, I snored and occasionally babbled, but to be honest I really didn't care. Niall was on my left and Louis was on my right on the floor. The TV was still on, seeing as I was the first one to drift off.

I couldn't stop thinking about what tomorrow would bring. The last thing I remember was Niall mumbling good night, and ruffling my hair. I'm sure I probably cursed at him before knocking out, I wasn't the nicest sleepy head. Once I cussed out Aria for waking me up at one am because she spilt water all over a bucket of candy, or whatever it was. I hoped I didn't. When I woke up I was pleasantly surprised to see it was five in the morning. Good, I had more time to sleep.

Looking around, I grinned at how we were positioned. I was snuggled into Niall's chest, his heart beat at my ear, and Louis had his arms around my back. Gah, no one ever cuddled with me properly! My parents kicked me out of their bed every Sunday morning because I was "too old for this shit". Pooh on them. I patted Lou's hand before closing my eyes again.

"Dakota! Hey, wait up!" I turned around, finding myself face to face with a young girl. She was only four feet, with pink bow ties in her braids. I grinned at her, she looked a lot like Alice, a girl my younger brother was head over heels for. Instead of brown eyes, they were a rich green. Plus, her two front teeth were missing. Alice had long since lost those, I remember giggling at her cute lisp. Also, she was wearing yellow. Alice would insist on wearing pink.

"Okay, okay! Sheesh," I stopped where I was, looking at her. She laughed, her rose pink lips parting to reveal her shiny whites. This girl was just too cute! Her little hand grabbed mine, as she motioned for me to walk the path I had just came from. I raised my eyebrows, wanting to protest.

"Just come with me!" her hand pulled harder, and I shut my mouth. Walking at a brisk pace she led me away from where I once stood. I tried to look back, but couldn't. There was nothing there, just blackness. What happened? I tried to remember what I was doing before she got here. I was just, following the sidewalk. Counting my steps maybe? I usually do that.

"Where are we going?" I asked, panic the furthest thing from my mind. It was comforting really, to be lead away from that edge of this place. I wouldn't call it town because nothing was familiar. She shook her head, picking up her pace. I kept up, marveling at how after each step blackness replaced the shoe stained pavement. Trees edging near private property, along with the houses too. The oddest part was that I didn't feel scared at all. I trusted this, what six year old girl, in leading me. Maybe that's a good thing.

"Nowhere and everywhere," she grinned, looking at me for a split second. Well fuck, she's like me too. I laughed, not really paying attention. The sun was higher in the sky than usual, pulsating at bit like it managed to on really hot days. The houses soon got more and more familiar, and I recognized some of my neighbor's lawn decorations. The pond in front of my uncle Gene's house was dry, the tin water can it usually flowed out of covered in rust. I frowned, was it just me getting older?

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