Boys Like You Are Overrated

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A/N: Hello dear readers! This is my first fanfiction in a long time, so you've been warned. It does involve One Direction, so know what you're getting into with these boys! Anyways, enjoy.


"Break another mirror to keep away the stares, of another guilty reflex, a reflection left in tears. After all of my obsessing, tell me, what was it worth?" My Only One by All Time Low

A colony of butterflies had taken refugee inside of my twisting stomach. My hands shook; they trembled to the point that I could barely hold onto my bag. The friends who were supposed to accompany me had arrived earlier than planned, snagging a spot ten people or so ahead in line. I was utterly alone in this one! "Deep breaths," I struggled to remember as the psycho crowd shuffled inch by inch closer to the fold up table. A que of four hours, it better be worth it. The fringed green bag, now resting against my hip, buzzed and I fished out my phone.

"Almost there, nervous yet?" the words stared back at me in a curly que font. My fingers attacked the keys as I jabbed out a terse reply.

"Don't trip. Always nervous." I watched the brunette, Emma, ahead sigh. Her eyebrows furrowed reading the message, then her blue eyes darted behind. I'm sure my friends felt a touch of guilt for leaving me, and my anger was slowly fizzling out. But I still felt wounded from their somewhat inept understanding of the meaning behind the gesture. They essentially forgot about me. And that really stung.

"Smoothies after?" the new message was from another friend, who waved back apologetically. Aria, who's doe eyes looked absolutely stricken at my sour glare.

"I'd tell you to get bent, but strawberry banana. Wait up for me this time," I watched in amusement as Aria waved the phone under everyone's noses. I could hear her squealing about getting me to talk from my place in line. Jade and Emma were mid-laugh when a security guard motioned for them to go up the mini staircase. The upper level of the book store was where the boys were, signing autographs and chatting up girls. It was a feat to not laugh along as they stumbled, almost drunkenly, up the stairs.

I then watched in horror as they suddenly pointed me out to One Direction. They were all laughing when Louis gave me a cheeky wave. Oh my lord, what in Hade's name did they say. All of them hugged the boys before practically running out the back of the store from the emergency exit. Several girls turned to stare at me, whispering to the people around them. I felt a blush creep onto my face, and smoothed down my light brown hair, twirling the pieces of green in the back. It felt like hours, even though it was just minutes, before I too climbed up those stairs.

"Whatever they told you is a boldface lie, unless it was nice!" were the first words I uttered to Louis. He chuckled and I couldn't help but admire his nautical outfit. The boy had more fashion skills then me, I realized quite sullenly. Plus he was really cute, like I could pinch his cheeks right now. But I will resist because that'd be a bit, um, stalkerish? Whatever, that girlfriend of his is a lucky gal.

"They told us to be super nice because they accidently left you, love," I just about swooned because of his accent. He said it like it was the most obvious thing, and I couldn't help but sigh internally. Nope, nothing embarassing about me. I handed him my copy of Up All Night, which Jade guilted me into buying after downloading it off the web.Stupid curly-haired girl.

"They also showed us the text! So smoothies," Harry chimed in, leaning on Lou with dancing eyebrows. Well crap, that blush is back. That or I'm coming down with a fever. Maybe I should call the doctor... The love doctor! The fact that I just thought that makes me want to disappear. My stomach flipped again, wondering how they perceived it.

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