Vegtable Garden Part One

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Niall's POV

"I FEEL LIKE DANCING TONIGHT!!! I'M GONNA PARTY LIKE IT'S MY CIVIL RIGHT!" After the car accident, Paul came and picked me and the girls up, and brought us back to the hotel while the boys went to sort out issues with the car . I argued with him for ten minutes on why I had to bring them, but everyone knows not to argue with Paul. The wanker made me come anyway. He bribed me with Nandos.

So I ended up here, sitting on the floor eating perri perri chicken and watching Dakota and her friends dance around the room like lunatics. Watching her dance was bringing up some very.....intresting thoughts. I shoved another piece of chicken down my throat, as not to get distracted by the massive amounts of hip thrusting she was doing.

Mmmmhhhh this chicken was so good. I had my eyes closed, savouring the flavor when I felt a tug on my arm. I looked up and realized it was Dakota, he face was flushed pink from all of the dancing, and her hair tumbled past her shoulders down to her waist in little ringlets. I cocked my head to the side, silently wondering if her hair was naturally curly, or if she did something to it. When I realized she was still looking at me, I began to stutter. I could feel the blush rising in my cheeks already. she shouted over the loud music, but I couldn't hear her.

" I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" I screeched, pointing to my ears. She rolled her big brown eyes at me and bent down to my level, her long hair falling around her face. I resisted the urge to tuck it behind her ear. I didn't want to seem like a creeper. My eyes went wide when I realized how close she was. Was she-oh my God she was leaning in for a kiss! I'm not ready for this! My breath probably smells like Nandos! Mmmmhhh, Nandos-no Niall, focus!

I closed my eyes and puckered up, waiting for her lips to press against mine. I opened my eyes again when I realized that nothing was happening. Her lips were extremely close to my.....ear?

"I said, your song is should join us" she whispered seductively, her hot breath blowing down the side of my neck. I vaguely recognised the thumping sound of Up All Night playing in the room, but I was extremely preoccupied thinking about Dakota. I wonder if she intended to sound that way, or if my twisted little mind was just playing tricks on me. My thoughts were interrupted again by this girl when she grabbed my chin in her hands, and was examining my neck.

"Niall, is that a-?" I let out a chuckle, cutting her off.

"No, don't worry about it, Louis must have given that to me in my sleep to freak you out." I said, addressing the red love bite on the side of my neck. I could have sworn she let out a sigh of relief, and I smirked.

"What?" she said, snatching a ponytail holder off of dancing Emma's wrist, and throwing her hair up into an extremely cute messy bun, missing a piece of hair in the front. I was fighting the urge to tuck that piece behind her ear when I realized she was still looking at me, expecting an answer.

I blushed harder when I thought about how long I must have been staring.

"You looked a little worried there for a minute." I said, referring to how freaked out she looked when she saw my love bite. She crossed her arms, in an adorable attempt to look indifferent.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She said, leaning so we were almost nose to nose. I gulped and tried hard not to think about the tiny distance between out faces.

"I think you do...." I said, raising an eyebrow.

"Fuck a fish, can everybody do it but me?!" she cried throwing her hands into the air. I laughed, but stopped suddenly when we made eye contact. The loud thumping of the music was distant, and could have sworn I heard her breathing. That hair....

Before I could register what I was doing, I pushed it behind her ear, letting my hand linger for longer that it needed to, just enjoying the way her soft skin felt against mine. She didn't hold my gaze. She was staring intently at the floor.

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