Twenty Seven

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That night, we all attended the after-tour party. Everyone who was involved in the tour was invited; staff, back up dancers, stylists, managers, stage crew. A few selected others were invited too; Edwin invited his close friends were in the area, Brandon invited his sister, and Austin invited some of his childhood friends who had come to see the last show.

Tiffany, Charlotte and I got ready together. Makeup sprawled everywhere, hair products rolling around on the floor, dresses and possible outfits flung around the bed, shoes all over the floor. We couldn't decide what to wear. Tiffany complained, sinking into an empty space on the bed. Charlotte and I laughed, watching as she rolled around.

Eventually, an hour later, we'd all decided what to wear. Charlotte wore a black mini-dress, hugging all the right places of her body. Tiffany finally chose to wear a short sequin dress, paired with sparkly heels. I slipped on a white strapless mini-dress with white heels and headed to the bathroom. Charlotte and Tiffany sat on the sink, doing their makeup. I joined them, playing music through the speaker.

About an hour later, we left for the party. It was at the concert venue, but it had changed; a bunch of tables stood in rows, filled with drinks and snacks, the stage was turned into a photobooth, different backgrounds and props flung around on the floor, colorful lighting filled the room, music boomed from the speakers, shaking the floor.

We walked in, grinning in awe as we looked around the venue. The boys were in the middle of the crowd, having a dance battle with another group of guys, laughing and jumping around. We walked towards them.

As soon as the other guys saw us, they smirked and left, waving a goodbye at the rest of the boys.

Nick looked at me and took a second before pretending to faint. I laughed as he fell to the floor, attracting attention from all over the room.

"Stop," I laughed. "People are looking."

He stood up. "You're beautiful."

I smiled, pulling him into a hug. He kissed my cheek, his arms around my waist. His lips lingered around my neck, and I could feel his breath against my skin. I placed my hands on his shoulders, my muscles tensing as he kissed the curve of my neck and jaw. His hands travelled down my bare back, stopping around the bone of my hip, my skin tingling at the warmth of his fingers.

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