Chapter 9

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Kara's POV

Today with Mike, was great, Jazz got to come more presents that she was excited about and to do with some of the presents she got from Santa. She was asleep as were Mike's parents. We were laying in his bed, and I started to think about why I had been feeling sick. "Hey Mike, do you have to be married before you have kids?" I asked him. "Umm well its suggested that you do get married before we have a kid, but I guess because we are engaged to me it doesn't matter why?" He asked turning on his side facing me. "I think I might be pregnant, I don't know for sure, but thinking of the symptoms, and not wanting coffee,.." I started as I trailed off. "Yep, I think you are, I mean when you first were sick, I knew it wasn't a bug," he told me. I smiled, "So how do you feel," I asked him. "Well if we are pregnant, I can't wait," he told me smiling we gave each other a kiss and cuddled each other to sleep.

Three weeks later.

Authors POV

Kara had taken several tests to see if she was pregnant, but none of them were clear so she went to the doctors and got a test done there, her and Mike were now in the waiting room wait for her name to be called out for their results, they had already talked about a hypothetical situation if she was pregnant and that was for her to move in with Mike and bring everything of hers to his home well all of Jazzies things and sell some of her things like the bed and other things. The pair gets called into the office, they sat down and held each other's hands.

"So, good news congratulations your pregnant," she said making the couple smile. "We can get you in for a scan tomorrow," she told the couple, they both nodded smiling.


The next couple of months have been great Mike was very much involved in everything about the pregnancy, his mother, in particular, wasn't too happy about Kara been pregnant she thought that she did this for the royalty, the pair new that it wasn't true and would live their lives as they had been. When they told Jazz she was soo excited about getting a brother or sister.

The pair moved into Mikes home and it was very hard for Kara and Jazz to get used to been helped in the mainly everyday task, they had to talk to the school about been about how to get are to treat Jazz the exact day as she had been a treat since she was technically a royal.

A few months later Kara was 20 weeks, they allowed Jazz to take the day off school so she could come and see her baby sibling and since we were going to see what the gender was they wanted her to be there.

Kara was laying on the bed, while Mike was by her side holding her hand and Jazz was standing by Mike.

"So you baby looks very healthy, now would you like to know the gender?" She asked the pair, they both nodded. "Congratulation your having a.." 

you really thought I would tell you did you .... keep reading. 

A fairytale Chrismas story (Karamel AU)Where stories live. Discover now