Chapter 3

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Kara's POV

It's been a long day of being at the hospitable, Mike and I now have the chance to talk about his job and what its like for him on Christmas, even though I've asked one of the questions that really helps my whole article. "So you said you wanted to become a nurse from a young age, and you have with kids, but, when the holidays come around what is it like to see the kids with no families at this time of year?" I ask. "It's definitely hard, I always wish that I could send my Christmas with the kids that don't have families, although my mother and father wouldn't have their only child." He said with a chuckle. I smile. Gosh, he's so cute with the glasses, 'I wonder what he would look like with them off. Kara, stop it, your working.' My mind says to me. "when it isn't Christmas time, or any other time of the year, what is a day in the life of Mike Mathews?" I ask. "Well I always go to the gym, you have to keep healthy if you want to be a nurse, I also like to take my dog comet for a walk, I normally chill at home" he replied "and last question, what do you want people to know about the hospitable, and all these kids that don't have a home" I asked "Come in a join them, them having a visitor makes that day very happy, and especially coming in on Christmas makes them happier, so come in and see them, your child or yourself may even make a long life buddy" he said, I nodded as I closed my book and turned off the recording device.

"So is the interview over?" Mike asked me. "Um yes" I replied putting everything away. "Good, so when can I take you out for a coffee?" Mike asked me, I wrote my name down on a card, message me and I'll let you know" Kara said smiling "I'll show myself out" I say smiling. Once I'm out of the hospitable I let out a sigh and my phone rings, its the school, why would the school be calling me. "Hello," I say. "She did what?" I asked "Ok I will be right there," I say and walk off to the school.


The next day

Jazie was sick and no one could look after her, and I had to get this article in as soon as possible so I had no choice to bring her to work with her Minnie Micky mouse couch as well as her iPad so she could sleep underneath my desk, while I work. She was only missing a week of school since they were breaking up school early this year, over the Christmas period. My work phone rang, causing me to jump. "Hi, Mrs. Grant," I said. "Oh um ok, yeah sure send them through," I say. "She is good, sleeping thank god," I tell her. Jazie was Mrs. Grands granddaughter her son Adam knocked me up and then left, she was not pleased that her son did that but she was happy to be in Jazzies life and wanted to, which was lovely.

I heard a knock at the door and turned around to see Mike through the glass doors. I was shocked. I got up looked down at Jazzie who was still sleeping and walked to the door. "Hi," I say. "Hi" he replied, "What are you doing here?" I asked. "Well I'm guessing you didn't get my message but I came here to ask you if you wanted to go out for a coffee?" He asked me. "Um. I'm really sorry" I started as the door opened from behind me. "Mummy I need to go to the bathroom," Jazzie said. "Ok, let's go, I'm really sorry," I say and walk towards the bathroom.

When I got back he was still there it made me laugh usually the guys just feel when they find out I have a 6 years old daughter. "Why doesn't she come with us?" Mike askes me. "Umm I would but she's sick, so I don't want to take her out in the cold," I tell him. "Ok, um let me go get the food and drinks," he said trying prissiest, I look down at Jazzie. And sigh "Ok, so a baby hot chocolate, I'll have um a pumpkin spice latte, and umm whatever your having" I tell him with a smile and I go get my wallet, but he is already gone, I sigh, and write a note to pay him back when he gets back.

About half an hour later he came back with three drinks and a bag of food, making Jazzie's get up and smile her nose is amazing, whenever she smells food she will get up, I swear to go that when she is a teenager that will be the only way of getting her up in the morning.

"One Pumpkin spice latte, and a Minnie hot Chocolate, I got Potstickers is that ok?" He asked. "Yes," Jazzie said smiling "We love them don't we," I say to Jazzie, she smiles, "Oh good," Mike said placing the food down on her desk. "So, what's your name?" Mike asked my daughter. Jazzie looked up at me and I nodded "Jazzie" she spoke. "Is that short for Jasmine ?" He asked and she nodded "Well its a pretty name," he said making me smile. "Jazzie why don't you grab a few potstickers and your iPad and go to grandma cat, she would love to see you," I tell Jazzie. She smiled as I gave her a couple of potstickers that are wrapped in a napkin and she grabs her iPad and heads out to Mrs grant.

"Look I understand if you don't want to go on a date with me, dating a woman with a child is a lot," I told him "Why would I do that?" He asked me making me look up. "I would never do that to someone so beautiful," he told me back he push my glasses up on my face. We continued to talk and got to know each other, and the more we talked the more I figured out that he wasn't who he said he was, and now that I think about it he looks a lot like that prince of National City. I didn't want to say anything yet, but I don't like to judge people, I mean I have had that and its not nice so if he tells me he will, I think to myself and was clicked out of my thoughts with him clicking in met faces. "Sorry, what were you saying?" I question. "I was just asking if Jazzies fathers were involved?" He asked. "Oh no, he left, but his mum is always helpful, plus she is my boss" I explains, he nods his head and smiles. 

So you finally find out who Jazzie is, I hope you enjoy her 

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