Chapter 7

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Hey supervalorisan, So in Australia, I Call them Sacks not stockings I have no idea why so just roll with it. Anyways how you liking it so far ??? let me know in the comments below :) 

Kara's POV

Everyone had left, Mike was cleaning up, everything so we didn't have to do it in the morning, while I put Jazz to sleep and they brought out all her 'Santa' Presents. Once I was done with that I started to Help Mike clean everything up so it would be easy for us in the morning, and once we were done, we went off to bed, and I.. well I went straight off to sleep.

The next morning once again Jazz was In my room jumping on the bed screaming 'Santa came Santa came' making me laugh. "Ok jazz we will be out in a minute," I tell her, I roll over to see Mike smiling. "Morning," I say kissing him. "Morning" he replies "Come on let's go she's waiting for us, she won't open Santa's presents until we are out there," I tell him. "Ok" Mike replies.

We go out to see Jazz sitting on the couch with her Santa sack (Stocking) by her.

"Ok Jazz you can unpack the stocking," I tell her she smiles. I knew she was getting a scooter so I made sure that Santa got her a helmet and pad. She also got some a table for her kitchen and an ideal, and some other small things. While I got her a coloring inset, along with paint and some beads for making jewelry.

"Ok Jazz, I think we are running out time, so we can pack everything up and open it up when we get to Mike's, I will get you showered while he packs the car," I tell her and she shakes her head. "Come on Jazz, it's not the day nor time," I tell her. "No, he helps me get ready," She says pointing at Mike, I look at him and he nodded. "your very lucky, your outfit is in my room to do a nudie run so you can get," I tell her making her laugh. This gave me a little extra time to get ready my self.

Just as I got out of the shower I heard Jazz yell out 'NUDDY RUN' making me laugh. I walked out to see Jazz against the door. "No boys allowed, plus mummies naked too" she yells through the door. The made me laugh. "Ok Jazz calm, down, come here let's get your ready," I tell her smiling as I put on one of his shirts. I put her in her dress and red stockings since I didn't want her wearing white and told her to go outside and play on her Nintendo that she also got for her birthday, that took hours to set up. "And let Mike in, he needs to have a shower too," I tell her. She frowns at me. But goes to play her Nintendo. Mike comes in and gives me a kiss, and tells me that I look cute in one of his shirts, for the first time in a long time since well Jazz was born I felt butterflies in my stomach.

We are all read and everything is packed in the car, so we head off to Mike's place.

Once we're there we hope out and I told her that she needed to stay with me, we get the presents out that were in bags so that Jazz could help us carry them in. Mike knocked on the door, hoping that a maid would answer it, but sadly his favorite maid didn't it was his mum, making him freeze and Jazz hide behind me. He grabbed a hold of my waist, pulling me closer towards him.

"Mike what a lovely surprise," a woman said, I knew who she was, his mother and the queen. "Hi, mum," he said and walked in, with me and Jazzie. "What are you doing here?" he asked her. "Well I came last night thinking you were home but you weren't" she replied to him. "Sorry mother, but I was Kara, and her daughter last night," he replies. "Jazz lets got to put everything under the tree," I tell Jazz leaving Mike and his mother to talk.

After half an hour of Mike talking to his mother they came back into the room. Jazz and I were on the couch when he came down to sit next to me and Jazz crawled into his lap. "Mum this is Jazzie and Kara. Kara Jazz, this is my mother Kathrine." Mike told us. "Well, aren't you going to Curtsie ?" She asked, "Oh yes ma," I helped Jazz up and told her what to do like we practiced. We both did as we were told. "Um they're not fit to be royals, no Ms. Imra is," she said. "Mother, no the reason why I live on my own and have my own job is that of her, I'm not some stuck-up prince anymore, I never was for that matter," he says "Oh yes that's right you were always volunteering." She said as his dad walked in. "Father, Merry Christmas," I said going him a hug. "Merry Christmas son, now let me see the two beautiful girls your brought," he told Mike, making me smile.

"This is Kara, and Jazzie," he said "It that short for Jasmine?" He asked "Yes" Jazz replied smiling, then cuddling into Mikes' neck. "Can we open presents?" She asked. "Sure, of and have a look behind the tree I think Santa may have stopped her by accident," Mike said smiling, I smiled back "Um no dear we will have lunch and then open presents," his mother said. "Mother this is my house, I am hosting Christmas so we are doing it my way." He said, making his mother turn away walking out. Jazz came back, with a sack full of the present. "Can I give these to the kids at the hospitable, I think I have too many toys?" she asked us. I looked at her and then at Mike, he spent money on her, and she wants to give them to the kids at the hospitable. "Of course you can, now. Let's have a look under the tree I want to open some of my presents" he said making me smile as I got down on the floor along with his father and we started to open presents.

"Oh mummy look, there a small box down here for you," she told me handing it to me. 

Oh boy a little trouble and a small surprise :) 

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