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text message

don't try to deny it, kaylee.

kay rolled her eyes at her friend. if michael was always this dirty at one in the morning, she decided she may like to talk to him more. she wouldn't admit it but dirty michael was actually kind of funny.

whatever. be glad that i'm not 17 or else this would be classified as pedophilism.

that's not even a word.

it is now.

the aussie had a feeling she knew what her fellow australian was about to say, and she was indeed correct.


excuse you but i'm still in school, meaning i learn new things everyday.

but it's summer.

but summer's almost over.

kay knew that was a feeble attempt to prove her point, but it was worth a shot.

you're weird.

i don't know how to answer that.

do you know how to answer this: meet me tomorrow around two at MJ's?

kay couldn't help the smile that moved onto her face. but her mind raced with scary possibilities; what if michael was really a kidnapper, or killer, or pedophile or something? she didn't want to take any chances.

how do i know for sure i can trust you?

i'll bring you a rose. :-)

kay smiled again at the thought of her texting buddy bringing her a rose when they first met.

so? will you, ms. kaylee "kay" elisa wood meet me at MJ's tomorrow afternoon?


ily night night (even tho it's 4:30 in the afternoon where i live lol).

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