Chapter 33

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I gazed at Rider as he held his head between his hands. I know he tired hard to. Contain the tears that threatened to fall.

I rubbed his back softly, stay silent I knew all he needed was time to just keep quiet.

We had been in the hospital for the last six hours, the first three hours consisted of continuous interrogations from policemen.

Finally the the room in which Mr Marshalls surgery opened and the doctor walked towards as Rider and I both stood up.

"Mr Marshall." he says addressing Rider. "I'm very sorry but there was nothing we could do." my heart fell as I heard those words but I couldn't loose myself I had to be strong for Rider. I looked at him for a second before embracing him. He wrapped his arms around me lazily as he sobbed.

"I just got him back Maria." he said tears leaving my own eyes as I held onto him.

"I'm so sorry Rider." I said, my voice sounded so weak. We had been through hell not to long ago and now Rider had to relive his fathers death. This was more then bad, this was tragic. "look at me." I said softly as I took his face between my arms. His cheeks wetting my hands slightly from his tears. "he loved you Rider and everything he did, he did it because loved you and he died because he loved you and all he wanted to do was protect you Rider." I say no use in telling him that his father would want him to celebrate his life and not be sad over his death, who would really take that advice.

I just knew that he would be okay though, because he has me by his side and I'll always be here to get him back up once his fallen.


(three days later....)


"hey." greeted me as I entered the kitchen. She was washing dishes looking as beautiful as ever.

"hey." I say hugging her from behind.

"how are you holding up?." she questioned wirna concermed look upon her face.

"I've been better but when I found out he was alive I still couldn't believe it and even at his death, well his real death this time. It's just easier to accept I mean I have been living knowingly that my father was dead for the pass 12 years." I say truthfully. It still hurt to now I could never have a real relationship with my father but atleast I got to see him for atleast a day, that had been all I've ever dreamed of for the pass 12 years.

"I'm proud of you. I mean everything you've been through and still be standing her strong. You just make me really really proud." she says smiling as she kisses my cheek.

"you have to be kidding. I mean your the one I should be proud of. My little gun slinger." I chuckled as I buried my head in the croak of her neck.

"whatever." she giggled as I ticked her soft spot. "r-ider stop!" she laughed as I tickled her more.

"make me." I say and suddenly she runs out of my arms and heard to the refrigerator. She opens it in a flash and takes out a few eggs with an evil grin, Ooh hell no.

"Maria don't you dare." I say picking up my hands in surrender.

"didn't I stay stop." he smirked as she got closer, I walked back and suddenly I hit the wall.

"listen babe it doesn't have to be this way." I say chuckling nervously.

"ooh yes it does." and before she could say another wordt two eggs with thrown my way, I had managed to dodge one but the other one had hit me square on my forehead.

"ooh it's so on." I say running to her.

"ahh!" she screams as I chase her around the kitchen.

I finally grab her her and steal an egg from her hands.

"this is only because I love you. I say hitting the egg right on top of her head.

"you bastard." she chuckles.

"you didn't say it back." I galre at her.

"I love you to you big dummy." she says wiping the egg off my face. "now shut that far mouth of yours and kiss me."

"yes mam." and with that out mouths danced gracefully as we kissed with more passion then ever. We finally broke the kiss, breathless.

"this is where you belong." I say and and place my forehead on hers.

"and this is where I'll stay." she replied and the truth behind her statement was the most accurate sentence I've ever heard.

I hope you guys enjoyed the last chapter of cowboy desires.

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