chapter 5 (edited)

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Chapter 5

It was currently Thursday afternoon, four days since Maria's arrival and a lot has changed in the past four days. I've came home to cooked meals, even breakfast was made for me, I had no idea where this girl was getting her energy from but she had it, she wouldn't stop working and there would be times when I would tell her to relax and take a break, she would listen but get to work as soon as she could.

I was now working in the barn, watching Bessie as she munched away an apple I gave her, well more like one bite and the whole apple was gone, she was a beautiful full white horse. She had looked as if she came out of a fairytale. I was a hundred percent sure that I would keep her, maybe she'd be a present for Maria; I bet she would love that.

"Ooh Bess, this Maria has me wrapped around her finger. I don't even know a thing about her and I feel so drawn to her." I said as I stroked Bessie. The horse had looked at me as if she understood, with her sympathetic eyes. I had watched Bessie grow into a fine strong horse, it felt like we had a bond almost. I would always come out and speak to Bessie ever since my mother had died. Sometimes I felt as if Bessie was telling me to move on. I would cry and cry until I couldn't. I guess I loved Bessie because she never talked back, unlike most people, but she is a horse after all.

"Rider." My whole body had swung around only to see Maria standing there in her usual floral dresses that hung on to her body very well.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Um lunch is ready." She whispered. Just then an idea came to my mind.

"Forget lunch, have you ever gone horse riding?." I ask again with a full-blown grin - something I haven't done in a very long time.

"N-no" she responded.

"Well you can't be in the country side and not know how to ride a horse." I chuckled.

"Well what do you suppose I do?." She asked looking quite concerned making me chuckle once again at her.

"I suppose I need to teach ya." I said walking towards her as I grabbed her soft yet rough hands, the hands of a Worker.

"I-I don't know, it seems pretty scary," She confessed. I chuckled at how adorable she could be.

"Trust me, it'll be safe and I'll be riding with you." I reassured her, her expression was one of relief.

"This here is Bessie, we'll be riding her today." I told her, grabbing the saddle from the corner and latched it on Bessie.

"We?" She asked in confusion.

"Yes, we - you can't ride by yourself so I'll be helping you for the first few practices." I explained. I actually didn't need to ride with her but a little cuddling wouldn't hurt anyone now would it. "Okay let me help you up." I said as she came around the horse to my side and tried getting up. I held her firmly on her waist and pushed her up until she was seated on Bessie. After that I got on Bessie myself.

I could tell that she was tense, to be honest even I was nervous. Having Maria this close was even better then I thought but it was weirdly.... weird.

"O-okay let's go." I said as I patted Bessie and she started moving.

"She's a beautiful horse." Maria complimented Bessie.

"Yeah she is, that's why I was considering giving her to you." Maria instantly sprung around but regret was evident on her face as she realized how close out faces were.

"R-really?." She asked still in the same position. I hadn't even noticed that we were on the fields by now as her beautiful face was close to mine.

"Yeah." I whispered. I was stunned, her breath fanning my face as a wave of her sweet scent crossed my path but just before I could lean in she turned around saving me the embarrassment.

"Thank you, but I don't think I could possibly take care of a horse." She chuckled. Her sweet melodic chuckle that sounded heavenly to me.

"I'm sure you can, with my help." I said smirking as I heard her chuckle again.

"I guess something to do around here wouldn't be so bad." She gave in.

"What do you mean, my company isn't enough?." I teased.

"Well I - your always working in the barn or you'll be in your room, I never see you." I had thought about what she had said for a while. She was right I had no life. All my life consisted was school and work I had nothing going on accept that.

"I guess your right, maybe I'll spend more time out of my room." I said.

Bessie started to shack a little as Maria held on to my arms that were over her thighs, securing her.

"Its alright." I reassured, grabbing her thighs.

Now was not a great Time to get a boner.

She had almost seemed to relax under my touch but it was soon covered with tension as she was probably as hot as I was. I couldn't let go of her thick yet firm and slightly muscular thighs. Damn!, every part of this women was heavenly.

The whole ride on showing her how to ride Bessie was us just riding in silence as we enjoyed not talking after the very tense moment we shared.

"Thanks Rider, for giving me Bessie." Maria thanked me again as I took the saddle of Bessie.

"Don't mention it, I just thought it would make you happy." I said

"And it did." She chuckled.

"Ooh yeah and don't forget about the rodeo tomorrow." I reminded her as we walked out the barn and headed to the house.

"How could I forget, watching bulls beat guys around like their little babies" She chuckled once again. She sure was beautiful when she laughed. It seemed as if she was happy.

"Yeah and I'll be one of them."

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