chapter 11 (edited)

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Maria's P.O.V

That sneaky little bastard. How could he just leave on that wall like that, all he had to do was finish the job but no he had to be like a dick and leave. I was more angry that he didn't finish the job then what he actually did. I knew I should've said no and I don't want this but a small part of me was screaming that I wanted this and unfortunately the small part was bigger then any consciousness I had. But the way he did everything was smooth, to think Rider was a virgin would be unbelievable, even I have a hard time believing it.

James had left an hour ago, Lizzy came to fetch him. She would glare at Rider when James was looking but laugh when he wasn't, she even came to talk to me but I would definitely not tell her what happened between Rider and I, Lizzy did seem like a good person but I can't judge a book by its cover.

As I washed the dishes I noticed a ticking sound on the window, I looked up only to see a few droplets running down the window....... Where the hell did the sunny sky's go, it was completely engrossed by the dark color of gray. Soon enough it was showering of rain leaving a cold bitter taste as the cold gashing temperature invaded the houses warmth.

I looked out the window yet again only to see Ruder slip on the mud really hard. Without not evening knowing what I was doing I ran out and helped him up.

"Maria get inside." Rider said but I didn't listen as I helped him up and helped get him in the house.

"Are you okay?." I asked as he limped his way to the kitchen table completely drenched from the rain, then I noticed that I was soaked as well.

"Yeah I'm fine are you?." He asked as he looked at me up and down checking for any bruises, what the fuck we were only in the rain.

"Yeah I'm fine." I stated. Rider suddenly started laughing, confused I raised my eyebrows at him.

"What?." I asked.

"Why'd you come outside." I was speechless, what was I gonna say. Hey! I might have feelings for you and if you get hurt, I get really worried.

Wait what?!. I don't have feelings for rider..... Maybe I do. This is exactly what I was afriad of.

"Um we should probably get cleaned up." I said as I started to walk upstairs but suddenly I got swept up bridal style in someone's arms, Riders arms to be exact.

"Rider!." I squealed as he started walking up stairs. "What are you doing." I started to wriggle out of his grasp but unfortunately for me the man was a walking muscle god.

"Going to clean up." He chuckled, we entered the bathroom but he didn't dare let go of me.

"Okay, I'll go clean up to in my bathroom." I said as I tried to run out the bathroom but he closed the door immediately..... Most girls would've been scared but it was different for starters I was stuck with possibly the world's sexiest man alive and I wasn't  scared, more like excited. That really isn't good.

"Time for a bath don't you think." He whispered dangerously sending shivers down my spine. Gosh this really is going to be good- I mean bad, yeah that's what I meant.

"What are you doing?." I asked as Rider started stripling down his clothes. Fuck my life, abs.... Why me god why me!.

"Taking of my clothes." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in this planet.

Soon he was left only in his right underwear. A set of perfectly toned legs, a soild hard chest, huge biceps and like I said...... Abs, yet again why me god. WHY!?.

"aren't you gonna get undressed?." He asked, my eyes went wide immediately as I stared at him. "Its nothing I've never seen before, I would love to see it again actually." He smirked and I turned red as a tomato

"Ahhhh." Standing awkwardly, ah fuck it. I started to strip my clothes now only in my underwear and bra.

Rider walked up to the huge bathtub and started to fill the huge thing, it was probably the biggest bathtub I've ever seen.

Soon enough the bathtub was filled and Ruder turned to look at me with that... That smirk, ugh why as that smirk so hot, usually I'd get really annoyed when a guy smirks, it only meant that they have an evil plan but with Rider I'd always fall to my knees.

He took of his last piece of clothing as his underwear fell to the ground revealing his long shaft, the pulsing feeling in my very lady area evident as I gazed at how manly this man was.

He got in and motined for me to do so. I took in a deep breath and taking of my lingerie and entered the tud. My back to his chest and his shaft rubbing dangerously against my ass.

"What you did to James today was not nice." I said as I giggled a little from the memory.

"But it sure was funny and you have to admit that." He laughed. The vibration of his chest from his laughter sent shivers down my spine and a smile to my face.

"Yeah It was." I laughed. Riders arms snaked it way around my waist as I held his arms feeling more safe and secure then I ever have in my whole life.

"What are we doing Rider?." I asked seriously as I layed my head on his chest and his head automatically dropped to my head.

This felt so right yet so dangerous.

"Well I want us to be more but you clearly have other intentions." he spoke soflty. 

I had no idea on how to respond to that so I kept quite. He was right, he was such a good man and all I did was try to push him away. But still we can't be more then whatever we are right now.

So my next words were probably going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

"Okay fine. I can make you a deal." I said.

"Like." Rider said waiting for me to continue.

"We can't be more then what we already are but we can........ Keep on doing this." I said suddenly wantimg to block my face with my hands.

"So your basically saying we cant be more then friends but we can fuck. Are you suggesting we be like the movie friends with benefits?." Well that was a bit vain but whatever.

"Yeah." I whispered. He was quite for a while before speaking up.

"What the hell, why not."

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