chapter 3 (editied)

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This is possibly one of the best sandwiches I have ever had. It was a simple toasted cheese and ham sandwich but it was amazing.

"This is good." I complemented.

"Thanks." She said shyly as she nibbled on her sandwich.

"So where are you from?." She could have been from somewhere in America since her accent sounded like she was from anywhere in America, but on the other side, she doesn't talk much so I could be wrong.

"Well, I was five when we moved from Mexico to America. I grew up in New York with my mother." She said softly.

"Where's your mother now?." I asked, I had not intended to sound forward, but for some reason, I had been dying to ask such a question, why would a young girl such as herself be sent here?

"She died three years ago." She said looking down at her plate, I had felt sympathy towards her, I knew the feeling of losing a parent all too well. The feeling of pure nothingness, just being alone in your black hole, it was the moment when the ground decided to swallow you whole until you were just left in the dept of sadness and depression.

"I'm sorry for your loss," I said genuinely. She smiled slightly and nodded, clearly, Maria is a young lady with not many words. But her silence was effective. It felt like she could control any soul with just her presence but at the same time, it felt like she hid things from not only others but herself too. She was utterly mysterious, It was something I found very attractive for some odd reason.

After lunch I went back to work, I told Maria that there was no need for her to start work right now, all she needed to do was settle in but she disagreed. After she had packed all her belongings away she had gotten straight into the tasks handed to her. I was wrong about her, I thought she would be a lazy lump but she certainly proved my accusations wrong. She was a worker, I would occasionally walk past the house just to see what she would be doing, working her ass off was what I saw. One thing that amazed me by all of this was that she looked unaffected by the work as if she was used to it all, which probably was the case sadly. She gave off the vibe of a person who had fought her way through life. How I have calculated all this about her is beyond my knowledge, but what I knew very well was that I could read her for reasons unknown and what terrified me was that I had a feeling she also read me as well as I did her.

I had thought about her every second spent in the barn working. Not about how mysterious Maria Martinez was, but the beauty she was. Her green orbs shined like pure green crystals, they could leave any soul in a trance. Her body was of one owned by a goddess, her brown wavy hair was set neatly in a high ponytail that brought out her high cheekbones that belonged to a model. Her plump lips were mouth-watering, they looked as soft as a cloud yet firm. She was the true definition of beauty, but maybe that would even be an understatement for her appearance.


there was something odd about him. Sure he was one of the most beautiful men I had ever laid eyes on. With his ocean blue eyes, jet black hair, and muscular body of his that made my mind swirl into places that it should of never went to, but it seemed like he was all alone. I had been trying to find a job for months, when cherry had spoken to me about this one I wasn't to hyped up about it but I wasn't unsure about it either. She said her nephew was a good person and he wouldn't treat me like a slave of some sorts.

Lord have mercy on my soul, working here wouldn't be such an difficult task if Rider was here. Thinking about him only caused me to think of desirable and lustful dreams that would probably never happen, why would someone such as himself want someone like me and to top all of it off was that I was his damn maid. But his body showed hard work, his abs of steel and chest that looked as solid as his abs and let's not get started on how big his arms were, probably bigger then my leg. But I could not let my attraction effect my job.

I had just finished preparing dinner, roast chicken, sweet potato, onion rings and a salad. It looked really good and the smell had made my own mouth water.

The thought of walking up stairs and into his room was a nerve wrecking one for some reason. But I had to, I was sent here to not only to take of the house but him as well.

With all the courage I could musk up I walked up stairs and knocked on the door, I heard nothing so I had knocked for the second time and yet again I had received no answer. Worry boiled by within me, what if he had fallen and hit his head a little to hard.

I held the door handle for a few seconds before pushing it down and opening the door with a slight creek.

My eyes and widen in shock as I closed the door as fast as I could. In all his half naked glory, he stood with a towel wrapped lowly around his waist giving of a view of his well defined V line's. I had felt the heat rush into my cheeks as I knew I was the colur crimson on my cheeks.

"Uh, s-sorry, I-i mean im s-sorry, I just came up to say dinner was ready." I stuttered as I spoke through the door frame.

"I'll down in a minute." He replied, his tone was reassuring which made my raging nerves die of a little. But I still felt like an idiot. Why me!, I have a serious issue with placing myself in the most awkward situations ever.

I walked down stairs to the kitchen and placed all the plates that was filled with food in the dinning room. This house was quite huge, it must've been hard for him to be here all alone, he probably felt trapped or on the other side he could of really loved his privacy.

"What's that smell." I was knocked out of my thoughts by the sound of his deep country side accent. Damn!, it sure was sexy. How could someone be this perfect, I had the most difficult time resisting to meet gazes with his blue eyes and even resisting staring at his sharp jaw line that looked like It could slice through any object aimed at its way.

"Um the food." I whispered. He made me feel so much more insecure then I already am. I was always the quite girl but being around him I was completely shut, afraid I might say something stupid.

"You didn't have to make dinner, you know this right?." He said with a slight smirk. That smirk was beyong dreamy.

"I have to, it's what I get paid for." I whispered yet again only this time I smiled.

"Well in that case." He said as he took a seat and dished himself a mountain. I chuckled mentally at how men will always be the same as I walked away.

"Wait!." I quickly spun around by his command. "Are you not going to eat with me?." He asked looking quite confused. I had never been asked to eat with anyone accept cherry. I was completely taken back.

"I-i don't eat with my bosses." I said looking down at the floor as if I was just down graded.

"Good thing I am not your boss." A smirk smoothly played its way onto his face making me smile by how kind this man was. I slowly sat on the chiar opposite the huge dinning room set which consisted of 10 chairs, he was right though cherry was actually my boss.

"You should probably sit here." He motioned for me to sit next to the seat closest to his own. I awkwardly got up from my chair and sat at the one he had chose, my cheeks probably flushed by the color red.

He had placed the bowls of food closer to me so that I could dish out for myself which I did. I had not taken a lot since I was a small eater, used to eating less from the struggles I had been through.

We had eaten in a comfortable silence, he had complimented me on my food. I was pleased that he had taken a liking to my cooking, I had been taught by the best cook in the world, my mother. After dinner I had cleaned up but what had shocked me for the 100th time today was that he helped me clean up after dinner. Everything else was done in the house, I would say it was spotless but there was still come cleaning needing to be done.

The room he had placed me in was beautiful with its retro vibe and an attached bathroom.

Life was starting to flow freely again for me and this was just a start.

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