Living in Sin

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Living in Sin - Mon POV

The fire is crackling before us while we cuddle together on our living-room floor. Candles are lit around the apartment, giving off an apple cider and warm vanilla scent. His arm is placed protectively around my body as my head rest on his shoulder.

"You made such a romantic fire." I joke, looking back at the Yule Log on the television.

Chandler rubs my shoulder with his thumb but doesn't comment. He doesn't need too.

"There is just one problem with it." I admit

"What's that, baby?" He asks softly, continuing his motions.

"I'm freezing, baby."

It's then that Chandler turns his attention from the television to me and stands us up. Rubbing my arms to create friction, he asks "Is that better? Are you a little bit warmer?"


He wraps his arms inside of my jacket and around my waist before leaning down to kiss my neck. "What about now?"

Moving my hair out of his way, I give him more access "That gets me a little hot right there."

He smiles and leans back so he can look me in the eyes. "Yeah?" I smile and wrap my arms around his neck "I find that when I get hot, I like to take off my pants..."

Laughing, I shake my head and cock it to one side. "You know what?" I sigh "The luckiest day of my life is when I got drunk, blacked out, and woke up married to you."

The smile on his face gets my heart pounding a little faster. "What do you say we climb in bed and finally..." He trails off, holding me a little tighter against his body.

"Do what married people do?" I finish shyly

He nods "Or we could have sex."

He makes me laugh so easily, I don't know how I ever managed to hate him.

Reaching down, he grabs my legs and lifts me up in his arms before turning towards the bedroom.

"Wait, wait, wait!" I stop him, causing him to turn around.

"What?" He whines


"T.V. what?"

"T.V. off."

With a sigh, he walks us over to the table and maneuvers me so I can grab the remote without leaving his arms.

Picking up the remote I press a button, causing the channel to change back to the news.

"Hey," I pause, recognizing something. Or someone. "That looks just like the Elvis impersonator that married us..." I comment, seeing his mugshot on the screen.

"Has this Elvis impersonator turned out to be nothing but a Hound Dog. When hundreds of couples find out they are not legally married."

I glance back at Chandler and slowly step out of his arms. Sliding my arm from around his neck I pause the T.V. "Oh, my God." He rubs his face and I can tell he is just as shocked as I am. I look back at the T.V. set and try to figure it out. "The Elvis impersonator that married us is really an impersonator, impersonator..." I have confusion written all over my face.

Chandler chuckles lightly as I wrap my jacket tighter around my body. "Yeah, you know, it's kind of funny." I turn to him "We thought we were married, but we're really not married."

I shake my head "That's not funny." I clear my throat "We thought we were married...but we're not married." Shaking my head all these emotions are starting to get mixed up "What does that mean?"

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