Other Plans

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Other Plans - Chan POV

Peeling off my sweaty bunker gear I lean against the wall for support. I can't believe the night I had. This quick fire turned into a 7 hour water battle when the gas pipe burst. I was by the truck unwinding more of the hose when the explosion happened. The pressure of the impact pushed everyone from their feet.

I couldn't believe what I was witnessing. I didn't even weigh the possibilities; I just jumped in and pulled a few men from the ground. They said this job was unpredictable, but I never imagined the game would turn so quickly.

Slipping one arm, then the other through my suspenders, I let them drop at my side. I don't wear the excessive amount of gear the other men who are actually doing the job wear. My uniform usually consists of jeans, boots, and a FDNY navy blue T. But when I decided to take action instead of watch my buddies struggle, I grabbed a coat and became apart of the action.

It was life changing. I never thought something so heroic and dangerous would open my eyes to different possibilities in the workforce. I thought my reason for being here was to provide new opportunities for young entrepreneurs. These entrepreneurs would pitch their business or product and I would research if their level of expertise along with the type of audience they are capturing, are worth marketing for. When it is all said and done, new businesses have a 45% success rate.

It's good money, I'm not going to hide it. But is it what I am meant to do? That, I'm not so sure about.

It's been two weeks since karaoke night turned into Elvis pronouncing two intoxicated individuals husband and wife. For two weeks I refused to sign the papers that ended any possible future the two of us could create. I know it can be frustrating for her and selfish for me to refuse an act so simple. But I feel like I am actually growing on her. She seems more comfortable and laid back than she was at the beginning of this incident. So I guess that's an improvement.

It hurts knowing that my parents and even grandparents were more successful at this marriage thing than I am. I see the way they look at each other and grow old with one another. After decades of marriage they still manage to find something to talk about as they learn a little more about each other each day. I want that. I want that so badly that my drunken state took that fantasy and made it a reality. It's too easy to get out of a marriage these days. I feel like no one ever fights for their wife anymore. You make one mistake and your ring is gone. It's horrible.

A few nights ago I actually thought I was falling in love with Monica. I walked in the apartment and she was at the sink singing her heart away as she made dinner. She didn't see me, of course. But she looked so peaceful and carefree like nothing was bothering her...or better yet, someone.

Grabbing the ends of my shirt, I pull it over my head and let my body breathe. I hear a few men whistle teasingly which causes my body to react with embarrassment.

"Somebody's been working out." They holler

"Shut up." I reach for a towel to wipe my face. I wasn't planning on showering here, just getting cleaned up will do.

"Seriously, you need to join the force full time." Tom starts hanging up his gear "What you did tonight was amazing. We could use a guy like you."

Shaking my head, I throw the towel in the hamper. "I can't." I say, simply declining his offer without reason.

"Well," He moves towards the showers "For what it's worth, you did good, Bing." He says before disappearing in the steam.

You did good Bing. Those words stick with me the entire drive home. I can not stop thinking about what Tom said.

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