Complaints and Compliments

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Complaints and Compliments - Mon POV

Another day, another meeting, another annoying patient that has to make everybody's day miserable. Why can't people be happy with their product and save me the headache? The number available on the back is there for legal reasons; you're not meant to call it.

With my mic wrapped firmly around my ear, I search through my files. "Ma'am did you check the back of the box for the directions?" I ask trying my hardest not to sound annoyed. "Oh good," I force a smile and laugh "Yep, manufactures found it easier to print the directions on the back of the product because we felt kids lost track of a tiny booklet after ripping open the toy." I explain after she sounds utterly surprised she didn't see it sooner. "Do you have any other questions that I can help you with today?"

Pulling out a manila folder, that contains a stack of products that need legal forms I end the conversation in my ear. "Okay, great. Well, I'm Monica if you have anymore questions feel free to call. Have a great weekend." I say like it's a recording because I've said the same words for years "Bye, bye."

Hanging up, I groan with frustration.

"Overbearing mother?"

"Nope, just blind." I pull out my earpiece and have it drape over my shoulder right before my head falls back against the chair.

Rachel swings her chair around so that she's facing me. "You need a day off. Why don't you come out with Pheebs and I tonight? We're going to Mike's then heading downtown, it'll be fun."

Before she even finishes I'm shaking my head. "I can't."

"And why not?"

Motioning to the documents around me, I explain "I have too much to do."

"It's Friday night! When was the last time you had a drink?" I sigh trying to calculate it in my head "Come on, Mon, one drink. That's all I ask."

I don't respond right away as I look at my pleading friend. It has been a while since I went out with the girls. And I'm sure I can spare one Friday night for a drink. Without saying a word my friend squeaks with delight and I realize I just nodded an "okay" for a hangover.

"I'll swing by your place around 9 and we'll hit McSorley's first!"

I can't help the smile that appears on my lips as she jumps up with her mug and heads towards the break room. Then it drops, "Wait...first?" I question, but she's already gone. What did I just get myself into?

There is something about Friday's that are suppose to be different than the rest of the week but all I see is another day at the office. Same amount of workload, same amount of hours, and the same people. Nothing changes.

My typical Friday ends with me on the couch and an empty glass of wine sitting on my apothecary table. Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to enjoy the evening with someone else, but these days dating doesn't come as easily. Not very many men are looking to settle down right away; there's courting, dating, adventures, arguments, movie nights, meeting the family, plus one's at a dinner party, and then comes engagement. If you can get through everything else that is.

I'm at the point in my life where my chance to have a baby is growing thin, I don't have the patience for courting and plus one's.

If only I would have listened to Ferris Bueller sooner I wouldn't be in this situation. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

He is one wise teenager that everyone needs to take advice from. Not everything of course, but everything that revolves around his infamous quote.

Picking up my coffee cup, I sip the last drop and sigh.

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