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Reality - Mon POV

All I can think about is Chandler. He's all I've been thinking about for the last couple months. I can no longer focus on my job, my personal life or my future without him crossing my mind. I really think I'm in deep. My emotions have been all over the charts these last few weeks. I don't know what it is, but I shiver thinking about him touching me in all the right places.

Now, of all days, I can't get him off my mind. However, it's not in a sexual way, it's in an worrisome way.

He has his doctors appointment today to see if he can get out of the wheelchair and start using crutches.

I wanted to take the day off work so I can be with him but he told me that I needed to be here, at the office. Not convinced that he can handle the appointment himself, I reminded him that my phone will be on me all day so if anything were to happen-

That's when he cut me off and pushed me towards the door. He told me not to worry, and he'll call me as soon as his appointment is over.

I just want to be with him. I can't focus on this job any longer.

"Mail." Rachel drops a letter in my lap before slouching down in her chair.

I glance at it for a second before tossing it with the others.

"Hey, how's Chandler doing?" She questions, opening her mail right away.

"He's doing great." I announce "He no longer is relying on his pain med's and he's able to lift himself into bed." I sigh "I actually think he'll be cleared of his prescription today."

"So..." She smiles but I don't show any sort of emotion.


"Are you two finally going know?" She whispers

I can't control the smile that forms. "I don't even know what time he'll be finished. He could be tired, have plans..." I trail off trying my best to think of excuses; but there aren't many.

"He could have plans with you, be tired with you." She nudges me and my smile grows.

How is it that she knows just what to say to get me to blush. I never use to blush; at least, there was nothing to make me blush. Now, just by the mention of his name my cheeks will fade pink. It's both a curse and a blessing. To be so in love with someone that they make my body react in this way is amazing and I don't even care that it's embarrassing. It goes to show how much I care for the man and I will blush every day just so people can see how I feel.

"Hey," Rachel grabs my attention. "You're not wearing your granny-panties, are you?"

I think about it for a second before my eyes widen. Oh no.

"I can't believe you two are coming up on five months and you still haven't had sex. What else can you possibly be doing?"

I roll my eyes before clicking my mouse around on my computer so my status reads "available" again. The restroom break I've returned from wasn't long enough. "You are starting to sound more and more like Joey, you know that."

"Well, we do live together." She reminds me.

"Yes, and you're sure you aren't sleeping together?"

Shaking her head, she admits the one fact I already know "I'm still in love with your brother." She says softly and I sigh.

I hate to see my best friend wait for someone that is not interested in a relationship at the moment. Rachel admitted her love for my brother when she found the old love poems he use to write back in high school. However, she never admitted the feeling directly to Ross. At the time he was dating Julie. Then that went to dust and he announced to the group that he needed time for himself and a girlfriend was the last thing he needed at the moment.

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