Chapter Twelve

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Yoora was shoving me away from her as she laughed and, being much taller and heavier than her, I didn't usually let her do that; but I had been blindsided by her lunch invitation today.

My father's words last night had made me rethink how much I actually knew what Yoora wanted for herself in life and I'd gone over to her office to... I don't know, try to actually bond with my sister instead of assuming I knew here enough already. I'd changed so much in the few years we'd been living in different cities, I don't know why I thought she would stay the same. That was what had really made me go with her when she'd jumped up from her desk and announced that she needed to get some lunch. She just hadn't mentioned it would be with Baekhyun as well.

So I let her push me, and I wobbled on the icy sidewalk as she giggled and threw her hands up to her red cheeks. Maybe she wasn't so different. I was smiling at her when I was pushed from the side suddenly, tripping over my feet as I slipped some more. What the hell? I glanced over at Baekhyun who could have been the only culprit but I only saw his face for a second before there was a sickening sound and he was on the floor.

"Baekhyun!" Yoora cried out and rushed to his side as soon as the car's tyres skidded to a stop. He was lying on his side and I took a deep breath before looking really closely to see if anything was broken.

"Is he OK?" The driver of the car said as they got out. "I swear, it was so icy and I just got new tyres so - "

"He's breathing." Yoora said and all of us sighed with relief.

"Should I call an ambulance?" The man asked. And Yoora nodded emphatically.

"You weren't going too fast but he has a nasty bump on his head already." She said, moving his hair to the side. "He could have a concussion."

I knelt down on the sidewalk next to him as we waited for an ambulance. She was calling work to let them know she wouldn't be back in today, and I gave in to the urge to touch him. His hand was cold so I held it between both of mine to warm it a little. Had they always been this small? I wanted to warm the other one too but I didn't want to move him too much. They always said you shouldn't do that in car accidents.

"I can hear sirens." Yoora said after a minute and I bent over to see his face for myself while she was still distracted. He looked so peaceful lying there, his eyelashes resting on the apple of his cheeks. The bump Yoora had been talking about was really noticeable now and I brushed my finger over it lightly. If he didn't have a concussion, he was going to have a hell of a headache when he woke up.

I stepped back when the ambulance arrived and I stood next to my sister as they looked over him.

"I really was trying not to hit him." The driver said again as he wrang his hands next to us. I had to commend him for not leaving even when he saw Baekhyun was getting help. "I hit the brakes when I turned the corner and the car just went crazy. I actually thought I was going to hit YOU." He said pointing to me. "Then I blinked and he was in front of me." He shook his head.

"What?" Yoora said.

"You were going to hit me?" I asked and then it all made sense. I don't know what I had been thinking was the reason Baekhyun had pushed me just before he'd been hit, but I hadn't really made that connection yet.

"Yeah, I saw this lady push you and I panicked and braked again." He explained. "But then you were gone. I was so confused. I hope he's OK." He said softly and I met my sister's eyes. She looked sick.


"Don't." I said to her and grabbed her hand. "Let's go."

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