Chapter Five

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What the hell? I was going crazy, right? That was the only explanation for what was happening right now. Baekhyun was walking down the stairs, Yoora by his side. They were arm in arm. I felt like ripping his arm off of hers.

"Appa. Is this really necessary?" I asked him quietly. He glanced at me with his lips pinched tight.

"Business is business." Was all he said. My hands curled into fists as we finally got to the bottom of the stairs and everyone moved towards the mini-stage that was set in the back corner of the room. The glass doors were open and the night air was trickling in, helping the room to not feel so stuffy with so many people wandering around inside.

When Baekhyun's father stepped up onto the stage and greeted his employees, I felt sick.

"Good evening, everyone. I know these bi-annual functions are mandatory, but I'd still like to thank you all for coming out tonight." He went on to mention all the departments and the people in charge of them. Boring things. "I know there have been rumours around the office about changes..." Mr Byun paused for the murmuring to die down in the hall. "I am happy to announce tonight the details of those changes." He smiled, but even from my place a little further from the stage, I could see that it was a forced one. Mr Byun did not have enough lines around his face for someone who smiled regularly.

"Byun INC will be combining with Park Holdings to become Park-Byun Holdings Inc." His voice boomed over the speakers. "As well as this exciting new business venture, the two companies are coming together as a family, too." He beckoned Baekhyun and Yoora forward onto the stage. "My son Baekhyun, and Mr Park's beautiful daughter, Yoora are announcing their engagement." There was a collective sigh of disappointment from the group of ladies standing next to me.

"Aigoo. I'm too late." One said.

"Too late? You never had a chance." Her friend whispered.

"I thought he liked me..." A small mousy looking woman with glasses on said softly.

"He was just being polite, Min Soo." Another girl said.

"Still..." Min Soo said quietly and I saw her eyes start to shimmer. I rolled my eyes and pushed through the crowd so I could get the fuck out of here. The open doors weren't helping. I needed space.

I stumbled outside a couple of doors that were to the side of the building and breathed in deeply, my hands resting on my hips. Shit. Now Baekhyun's insistence on just one night was starting to make sense. He knew he was getting married. Had he known it was my sister? I didn't think so. Even she hadn't known what he'd looked like until this evening. I rolled my head around slowly and the joints in my neck popped. My head dropped forward and I felt like crying. What was I supposed to do now? Just ignore the fact that I'd slept with my sister's future husband? ... Did I have a choice?

"You've been quiet." Yoora found me much later over by the bar that was serving punch and probably for people's own safety considering all the glass around us, no hard liquor.

"Not much to say." I told her. There really wasn't.

"I thought you came all the way here from Seoul to interrogate my fiancé." She said, moving closer to me. "I was worried you'd break him. He looks so small next to you." I almost snorted my drink all over the table. Yeah... Baekhyun didn't break easily, that was for sure.

"I'm sure he's fine. Father wouldn't let you marry an asshole, right?" I downed the rest of my drink and stood up. "I'll just head back to Seoul tonight."

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