Im Not Ready..

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The smell and noise of breakfast awakens my nose. I don't want to get up from the warm embrace of Luke, but the breakfast is telling me to. I sit up and turn my head to face Luke, and his cute little mouth is open. I giggle because it looks like he hasn't slept in days. I try to get up quietly, as I hear the floor creak I cringe at the noise. Slowly, but surely I jumped up from the couch as fast as I could. Curious, I check and see if Luke has waken, luckily he's sleeping like a baby all snuggled up.

I follow the scent of bacon, like a dog, and I walk into the kitchen. "Morning sleeping beauty" Beau says as a joke. "Ha, who says I'm the beauty?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. He turns his head, and makes the "are you kidding me" face. "I do" he says dramatically. I tiny blush appears on my cheeks and I groan to myself. Why does my face blush? I guess the Brooks brothers have that charm on me, I admit to myself.

I look over Beau's shoulder to see what he's cooking, and my tummy growls in hunger, when I get a whiff of the bacon and eggs. I take a seat on the table and a plate appears in front of me. "I guess you could tell I was that thirsty for breakfast, huh?" I laugh. I smile appears on Beau's face and so does a laugh. As I begin eating, my mind trails off and leads me to my dream. I cant remember much, except for the beaming red cuts, on Luke's wrist, and the smirk that appeared on his face. I shake out the thought of Luke being that much in pain, he would hurt me. "Jem!" Beau shouts. I shake my head, and bring my attention to Beau. "Huh-What?" I ask confused. "I'v been calling your name for the past minute! Are you okay?" He asks. "Yeah, sorry just wondered off there for a minute." As I finish my sentence Jai walks into the kitchen.

"Good morning" Jai speaks as he pours himself a glass of Orange juice. "Morning" I say as he serves himself, and takes a seat besides me."So, I saw you and Luke getting all cuddly last night" he winks. I puff and roll my eyes. "Yeah, we were cuddling but were just friends, nothing more." I lied. And I lied good, of course I had feelings for Luke. Why would I tell him the darkest secrets that I own? I trust Luke, and I feel like I just lied to my mother. I guess I just managed to pull off the lie with a smirk at the end of my sentence, and a raised brow. "Rightt" Jai says. I roll my eyes once more, 'Oh yeah, whats up with you and Crystal, huh?" I ask waiting for him to make up an excuse. "I mean... Shes cute and all" Jai speaks with a slight blush coming to the apples of his cheeks. I start to giggle, and I guess Beau was listening in because he starts to laugh. I take the few bites left on my plate, and thank Beau.

Luke POV

I awaken by the noise of laughter coming from the kitchen. Curious, I groan and get up. I remember Jem stayed the night, and the horrid the dream I had of Jem. I push away the thought of her weak. I turn the corner to see Jem at the dining table, with Jai and Beau at the stove cooking. "Morning cunt" Jai speaks. "Morning" I guess people could tell I wasn't a morning person, because I could feel my eyes weighing me down. I watch as Jem gets up to place her plate in the dishwasher. She smiles that beautiful smile of hers, and her eye winks. I feel like my heart just melted.

As we all finish up breakfast, I head into my bedroom with Jem. She flops down on my bed and her muffled giggles echo the room. "Try it" she demands. She rolls off the bed and lets me take a chance. I watch her eyes and smile waiting for me to jump on the bed. I run and my body slaps the soft bed, and I giggle into the sheets. I stay there and soon I feel pressure land of me. "Ughhoohh" I groan while laughing. "Hahaha, wasn't that fun?!" She exclaims. I laugh as I begin my sentence: "Of course". She rolls of me, and lands on the ground. She puts her arms and chest on my bed and lets her legs and knees stay on the ground. "Fuck I don't want to go back to school on Monday" she admits. Its a Saturday. "Why?" I ask. "Because, there are some people in life that you wont like, and that person for me is Scarlet". "Oh yeah I guess, shes not the nicest person on the planet, and nobody likes a female post it" I say, and Jem is in hysterics. As we laugh my eyes wonder to her face, and to her chest. I stare at her chest as shes exposing some breast. I cant help but stare, and my male personality kicks in. I mean its natural, for a guy to stare at the most precious female parts. I look up and shes still laughing. "I love your laugh" I blurt out, because in honesty its so cute. "I love your eyes" She responds. I get closer to her face, and whisper in her ear "I love your lips". Her lips come to my ear, and whisper "How do you know you love my lips, if you never tasted them". Our eyes meet, and stare for seconds until I cant take it anymore. We both smash our lips together at the same time, and it feels so right like peanut butter and jelly. I was right, I did love her lips brushing against mine.


I felt so good to finally feel his lips, but it felt so dangerous for me. I pulled away my lips from his. "I-I have to go" I get up and reach for my belongings, as I run out his bedroom door I turn my head back to see Luke's facial expression speechless. I run out the door, and into my drive way. I unlock the door, and run up the stairs that felt so long. I locked myself into my room, and sat there on my bed. I feel so bad, pulling away from his cute lips. But it was for the best. I didn't want to hurt him later, and make him do anything that puts in harm. I wanted to protect him. But most of all, I wanted to protect myself. I couldn't have my heart breaking down the wall I built for it. The wall needed to stay up... The wall was to keep anyone from hurting my heart. I made a promise to myself, after a relationship that wasn't the best. I couldn't help but feel so bad by the way I left. But worst of all, my issues have to double with school on Monday. I decided to text Annie and Crystal.

Me: Hang out tomorrow? pls. really need 2 talk. Starbucks @ 2?

I needed my friends at this moment. Instantly I got texts back.

Crystal: Of course love<3

Annie: Be there!

Me: C yaaa (:

I shut off my phone to avoid any texts or calls from Luke, because I wasn't ready to talk just yet about what just happened, and I was shameful. I turned to my healing method, and turned on Netflix, and ran downstairs for Hot Flamings, and Takis. As most girls I will soak my problems through food and television. Feeling satisfied with my surroundings I nodded to myself, and began bumming.

Luke POV

I was shocked. But most of all I was curious. Why did she leave just like that? I wondered if anyone saw what happened. I feel palms begin to sweat and my heart to beat faster. I grabbed my coat , to avoid the rain. I ran out the door, and feelings were starting to go in and out of me. I don't know where I'm going, but somehow my legs walk to the nearest bar, so drink out my sorrow.

I feel like this chapter went a bit fast.? I was trying to get some action in lol but I hoped you enjoyed. And soon I will be introducing some new characters in this story! And I thinking of making another story? I keep you guys updated(: - @lovelylukeee

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